date night~~ victor zsasz

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Hearing Victor's cool collected voice greet you from behind, the thrill of tonight's little 'game' began to flow through your veins. Calmly, you sipped on your martini through a delighted smile. With a curious gleam in your eyes you turned around in your seat only to face the man of the hour.

Victor was obviously dressing to impress. Looking him up and down with an interested gaze you couldn't help but to smirk; a dark gray suit, a black button up shirt, and that red satin tie you liked so damn much. Biting the inside of your lip you managed to gain your composure, you didn't plan on breaking this fun persona of a character you came up with for tonight's adventure, not before he did anyways.

"Can I help you, sir?" Batting your eye lashes you flashed Victor a confident smile. Bringing the drink to your lips you waited for his response, eager to see how this scenario would play out.

"Maybe." He grunted, his tone very aloof before joining your side, gesturing out to catch the bartenders attention. "I'll have a Gin Martini and one of whatever drink the lady is having."

In no time you had two drinks before you and Victor had one. "I have two questions for you," Started Victor in a stoic tone and looked over at you, eyeing the bottom of your short dress. He smirked, realizing he wasn't the only one who dressed up for tonight's occasion. Truthfully you felt like a million bucks. Wearing such a revealing dress, being clouded in Victor's favorite perfume, and having a fresh coat of makeup on, it was easy to see you had successfully awoken the beast inside him. "You couldn't possibly be Lola Beauregard?"

You twiddled with the umbrella in your drink, crossing one leg over the other causing your skimpy dress to pull back ever so slightly, exposing more bare skin for Victor to gawk over. "That's right," You responded, remembering the situation you had both decided on. Tonight, you were playing the part of an heiress who had left the house without a bodyguard, which you normally always traveled with. Victor, in this situation, was just a normal man who would offer to escort you home, or at least that's what he would tell you. Glancing over at his expressionless face you waited for his second question.

"What do you think you're doing here all alone?" You could almost feel his predatory gaze glued to your legs. "Gotham is a dangerous place for a beautiful woman, such as yourself.."

"Enjoying the peace and quiet." You remarked in a sarcastic tone.

Chuckling a bit Victor sipped on his drink and continued to stare you down, sending shivers down your spine. "Now, I personally couldn't live with myself if something were to happen to you.." He leaned back in his chair, turning slightly to face you. "A woman of your status couldn't possibly last one night.. Not here in Gotham.."

It took every fiber in your being not to burst out into laughter, the fact that Victor was so into character, being all serious and creepy was hilarious to you for some reason. Inhaling deeply you shrugged your shoulders, continuing along with the act. "Well, I think I could manage, I'm a big girl after all."

"Well, at least allow me the luxury of escorting you home once we've finished our drinks, Ms. Beauregard."

The next half hour was an certainly interesting one. The two of you lunged deeper into the personas you had created for the night. Victor, who was going by the alias 'Val', was very much his normal professional self (Or at least what you imagined him to be like when he was on the job). The man was calm, stoic, with a hint of insanity that just drove you mad. You, on the other hand, were having an absolute blast being an irresponsible millionaire heiress for the night. You continued to go on and on, coming up with fake stories of your life of luxury. Yes, to anyone around it seemed that intoxicated 'Lola' was very smitten with the mysterious fellow 'Val' and there was no doubt she would be going home with him that very night.

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