fear and i love you~ victor

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"Bye, we talk tomorrow, right?" You said to your friends as you were walking out of the nightclub.

"Yes, we have to talk about that guy I was dancing with," one of your friends replied. You chuckled, "Yeah, he was hot."

Not as hot as your boyfriend though. Thinking of him made your body yearn for the feeling of his body against yours. You had been dating for three month now and you were on cloud nine. Tonight had been a girl's night out though, so Victor had gone out with some friends of his.

"Are you gonna be alright walking home by yourself?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. It's not that far."

After saying your good byes, you started walking home, a little bit tipsy on your feet. You kept thinking of Victor and his big, strong hands caressing your body and his tongue twirling around on the crook of your neck. A shiver raced down your spine and you wished he was waiting for you so he could ravish you, leave his mark over your entire body.
A few minutes later you turned around a corner and in to an alley. Usually you wouldn't risk taking this short cut to your apartment but you were eager to get home, hoping to be met by Victor's greedy hands and hungry kisses.

The sight that met you next would be imprinted in your eyes forever. Victor was standing, holding a gun against the head of a Kneeling and pleading man.

"Please, it won't happen again, I swear!"

Victor only stared at the man with emptiness in his eyes. You had never seen his eyes like that. On you his eyes always looked with warmth and love.

"Penguin has his orders," was the only thing Victor said before a loud bang and a bright light filled the alley.

You heard an unhuman scream and when you saw Victor stare at you in horror you realized it was you who screamed. Victor looked in panic back and forth, from you to the now very dead man lying at his feet.

"Shit!...you weren't supposed to see that!"

You only stood there, shaking your head.

"No...no...no..." Your body trembled, you couldn't control it.

Victor started to walk towards you and all you saw was the gun in his hand and the hollow look in his eyes before killing that man. You started to back away and the fear in your eyes broke Victor's heart.

"Please baby, let me explain..."

"No..no...," you whispered. You backed up faster, almost tripping over your own feet and then you ran as fast as you could. The only sound that sneaked into your clouded mind was the echo of Victor shouting your name.

Victor was in a state of panic, what the hell was he supposed to do now? He knew running after you right now was the worst thing he could do. You would not be receptive to any kind of explanation he would give, you would only see the scene of him killing a man over and over again.

"Fuck," he knew he could tell nothing of this to Penguin, he would probably order to have you killed, Penguin didn't like any loose strings. Victor decided he would dispose of this gentleman lying on the ground and then call you tomorrow. He was sure you would have calm down by then.

You fumbled with your keys, tears running down your cheeks and your heart beating viciously against your ribs. Finally you managed to unlock the door, closed it behind you and lean against it. Closing your eyes, you panted erratically from running and from the deep fear rooted inside your heart. Then you sank to the floor all crawled up into a sobbing messy ball.


You didn't know how long you sat like that, you didn't remember much from that night. You couldn't remember when you were awake and when you slept. It was all mixed together in a dizzy image of Victor with his gun against the man's head and then that loud bang and bright light. It was all you saw all the time.

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