Chapter Forty Three

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Safaa saw her marriage life crumbling into pieces right infront of her and she couldn't do anything about it,her subconscious kept telling her to shout at the top of her lungs so she could stop her family from fighting over her relationship with her mother inlaw.She has come to terms with the fact that Hajiya Turai will never accept her as her inlaw and she's okay with it,Safaa is even over it why then will her parents decide to act upon it now?

A heavy downpour began when Ahmad and his family left Safaa's house so she curled up in the bedroom she's staying at her father's house and cried her heart out,the sound of her sobs fading away with the thunderstorms.

The heated argument that occurred between her Baba and Kawu Sunusi itself screams 'the end of her marriage'.No one has ever seen her Baba so fierce as he was at that moment,they are trying to protect her but can't they see she will be miserable without her husband.Safaa kept trying to control her cries but she couldn't and she had no idea that her Mama was by the entrance of the room staring at her broken state.

"Safaa that's enough now" She walked in and sat beside her daughter on the bed.

"Maa you....can't...I..." Safaa hiccuped trying to explain to her Mama that things shouldn't be the way they are.

"Yes you can live without Ahmad Safaa,calm yourself you're carrying a being inside you"

Safaa rubbed her tummy and new set of tears began rolling down her cheeks,how can she nurture and care for their baby without a father?

Her Mama left without saying a word to her.She refused dinner and ended up dozing off on the prayer mat after praying Isha.

The next morning,Safaa woke up with a splitting headache and an empty stomach but being the stubborn woman she is,she refused taking breakfast,her medications or even going out of her room.The Maid came multiple times to check whether she had her breakfast for her Mama made them bring the food to her room but she always finds the food untouched.

Safaa just sat on her bed like a lifeless person,her head on the headboard staring into space.She remembered her phone which she kept under the pillow so she quickly took it to call Yaya Ahmad,he has to do something about their situation.The phone has been on silent since before she was discharged from the hospital so Safaa met several missed calls and messages all from Ahmad.

She dialed his number immediately and when she heard his voice she broke down unable to speak to him,he managed to calm her down but when she started talking  her Mama came inside the room interrupting their call.

"Let me have your phone Safaa" Her Mama said strictly.

"But Maa..." Safaa broke down again clutching the phone tight to her palm.

"Give it to me and your father wants to see you" Her mother announced snatching the phone and leaving the room without even making an effort to console her once again.

Safaa wiped her unstoppable tears and walked to her father's living room,her head downcast.She quitely found a place on the carpeted floor and sat waiting to hear the uproar of her father.

"Safara'u" His deep voice resonated through the living room.

"Na'am" She stammered afraid to meet his eyes.

"I forbid you to call Ahmadu,Yaya has shown me how little and destitute he thinks I am,Take care of yourself I know it'll be hard but you'll move on without Ahmadu,If that's what Yaya wants then we will also go with the flow"


"That's my decision Safaa,I'm not backing out of it" He snapped cutting her off.

"Okay Baba" She whispered with a croaked voice.

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