Chapter Eight:

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Chapter Eight:

Hunter's POV:

I look at her from the corner of a brick house that hides me perfectly from her.

I watch her carefully.

She quickly turns around and start walking, and I carefully start to follow her.



I won't be surprised if she tries to get a restraining order against me.

But I know she was lying.

The way her face scrunched up in thought of ways to lie to me.

The way she quickly pointed out which way to turn.

The way her eyes showed uncertainty and her hands trembled slightly.

I know a few things of her, like where she lives.

Her so called "friends" won't shut up about her personal life.

I watch her as she crosses her arms over her small frame.

A cold wind swishes pass.

I want to run up to her and cover her with my jacket, but I don't want her to see me.

She can't.

She turns another corner and I jog slightly to catch up. I turn the corner and goes to a halt.

She stops in front of a wooden house.

"Did you really think I wouldn't notice?" Her voice is soft as silk, yet firm like a fist.

She has this way of talking that could put anyone in their place.

She turns to look at me and her big eyes captures my attention.

They're so big, full of knowledge and dull.

I don't like the dullness that lurks in them.

I want to make them shine.

"I knew you lied," I watch her as she turns to me, still holding her body.

I step closer and take of my jacket.

"What are you doing?" Her eyes are wide as I place the jacket over her shoulders.

She looks down at it, then back at me.

"You're cold," Is my curt reply and she just stares at me.

"Now, why did you lie to me?" I ask slowly.

The moment is broken when she flinches at a furious shriek that comes from the wooden house.

I look at it and back at her, hearing a crash of glass.

"It's never been this bad before," she whispers, and I frown.

She looks at me with fear in her eyes, "You have to go! Please, I can't do this again." Her eyes plead me, and I grab her arms. "Julia, what's going on?" I search her face, but she looks away, "Julia-"

"Please, go?!" Her eyes glare angrily at me and I just sigh.

I expected that.

She won't open up; I was wrong to think she would.

Not so soon, anyway.

"Just tell me, are you in danger?" I ask slowly and she shakes her head, "Just leave, Hunter!"

"Fine, but I'll find out," I promise, and she smiles sadly.

"You'll never know, Hunter, I won't let you," She pulls off my jacket and hands it to me, "Go, now," she pushes me away, her small hands on my chest, and I take a step back.

I turn around and hear another scream from inside the house.

I flinch this time, because it was a male shouting.

Is she being abused?

What are you hiding, Julia?


I step in my house and the warmth in the atmosphere welcomes me. I take off my jacket and walk further in.

Her scent is on my jacket, I could smell it.

"Hunter! Where have you been?" Stephanie yells when she sees me after coming out of the guest bathroom in only a towel.

I roll my eyes.

Stephanie and Tyler have been living with me for a while now.

Since they have no place to stay after both their parents caught them in bed together.

Yup, one of those strict parents that'll kick you out of the house if you do illegal stuff.

Thankfully my parents aren't home half of the time and wouldn't mind their company around me.

My mother likes to believe that as long as I am in my age group, I won't be a suicidal, depressed kid.

If she knows half the shit I am in she will kick my ass and probably my friends' asses as well.

"Around," I walk past her, and she grabs my arm.

I turn and glare at her.

Ever since she came here, she has been acting like my mother, or sister.

Overprotective and strict.

"Where?" She asks again and looks me dead in my eyes.

"I took Julia home," her eyes widens at my words, and she lets me go.

She doesn't hate Julia, nor does Tyler, they feel sorry for her.

Since Maggie and Ashley try to fit in with Amanda and tells her everything there is to know about Julia.

"She opened up to you?" Steph raises the towel a bit higher over her too huge boobs and looks at me with sincere eyes.

"Not exactly. There's something going on at her place and she said something about she can't do it again," I pause and frown, "She's been hurt by Aiden."

Stephanie's green eyes are huge, and Tyler comes jogging down the stairs.

He looks back and forth between me and Steph and then glares at the small towel that was covering her.

"Damn it, Steph." He growled, "You're being dangerous," I make a face at the lust in his voice and part from them.

I don't want to get involved in a threesome, especially not in front of my front door.

I still do not feel comfortable leaving Julia at her place alone.

What if they are being abusive?

I could have saved her if she let me.


Another chapter guys...enjoy♥
Lots of love♥♥♥me!



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