Chapter Thirteen:

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Chapter Thirteen:

Hunter and I step in my house and his eyes roam the place.

I might as well show him that it isn't as bad as the robots makes it sound.

I smile as I let him in and close the door after us.

I feel a bit more comfortable letting him in my house, and it feels odd.

A small part of me is still worried that he might just be like Aiden, but he has shown that he is different...

When entering my house, you are in the front room, or as my parents call it: The Family Room.

This is where sofas and chairs were neatly placed, decorating the place and a big carpet is laid on the wooden floor.

This room honestly looks better than the rest of the house because it is the only room that is almost never touched, except for coming in and out of the house.

We usually sit and talk here, with Grandpa, or have Christmas together here.

The last time we have ever been together was three years ago with my grandfather.

He refuses to visit and I honestly wish that he would.

It just feels like he has a better understanding for me and a way to keep the peace in this chaotic house.

When walking straight on you'll enter a hallway, and the first door on your right is the living room.

Straight on is the bathroom and right next to it is a door leading into the kitchen.

The rooms are on the left side of the hallway.

I hear the TV and know that my father is home, watching his usual morning show.

Mum is probably in the kitchen drinking her tea and deep in her thoughts.

I haven't seen them ever since their last fight that has happened.

I don't even know if I want to see my mother's face.

They're never together in one room.

I feel the slight pain in my heart but ignore it and make my way to the living room.

Hunter is close behind me.

If my mom has a black eye, what will he think of me?

He was here when they were shouting.

I peek around the corner and frown when I see my dad sitting with his head in his hands.

I guess he still felt guilty.


I hope he didn't drink again at least; it always makes him worst.

Not in the angry way, but the guilty way.

He is crier when he is drunk.

I plaster a fake smile on my face.

"Hello, daddy!" I greet and he looks up, his brown eyes slightly bewildered.

They land on me, then look behind me at who I am guessing is Hunter.

"Good morning, sweetie. Who is this?" My dad stands up and extends his hand to Hunter, who shakes it firmly.

I can see bruises on my dad's knuckles, but I know that it isn't from hitting my mom.

Her face is too fragile to leave a mark on him.

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