Chapter Nineteen:

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Chapter Nineteen:

"You were saying?" Hunter smirks as he grabs hold of the huge unicorn.

The guy was to impress (or shocked) to say a word.

I just smile and shrug, pretending that I don't care, but to be honest I am impressed by his moves.

He doesn't have to know that it's a dirty little secret.

He laughs as he gives me the unicorn and starts pulling me to the cotton candy stand.

Oh boy, sweets.

Lots and lots of sweets.


Hunter and I are waiting for Steph and Tyler, I am not sure where Bianca is, and she hasn't texted me since this morning.

I don't usually get worried about her because she is a strong and smart girl, but she can still get in a lot of trouble.

"Julia?" His voice snaps me out of my daydreaming, and he is staring at me with warm eyes.

He licks his lips, getting rid of the remaining cotton candy, and my eyes flickers from them back to his eyes.

He was also staring at my lips, but quickly meets my eyes again.

"Yeah?" I look forward again and he grabs me around my body, pulling me closer towards him.

At first, I wanted to shove him away, but then my eyes landed on Aiden and Amanda.

They weren't too far from us, and Aiden is staring directly at us, Amanda is too busy arguing with one of her robots to notice us at first.

But she did.

I lean my head on Hunter's shoulder and in return he kisses my head.

It makes me feel so small, like the time my dad did it before I went to bed.

Aiden didn't stop staring, and he looks furious.

Instead of caring, or moving for that matter, I look up at Hunter.

For a moment I didn't care about our stupid deal.

For a moment I didn't care how many, or who, were watching us.

For a moment I didn't care about my past and problems I have.

I forgot everything as I pull Hunter's face closer to mine with one hand (since my other one is holding the giant unicorn) and smash my lips against his.

He didn't hesitate to kiss me back, and I appreciate it since I suddenly wanted more of his kisses.

I forget all about Aiden, about Amanda, about Bianca and her whereabouts, and about Steph and Tyler not far away from us.

I only focus on the soft lips and the cotton candy flavour that invades my mouth.

His kiss makes me forget about everything wrong in this world and it makes everything so much better.

"Well, guess that went well..."

My eyes fly open and I pull away, a deep blush creeping on my face as I turn to face Bianca...


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