Chapter Twenty-One:

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First of all, I want to say thank you for your votes DominiqueBerning9 and your comments. Thanks also to all the reads I am getting😘

Chapter Twenty-one:

"Amanda," I turn to face her.

She smirks at me, and Aiden's arm is draped over her shoulders.

I decide not to be completely rude and greet him too, "Aiden," I nod my head at him, and he gives me a small smile.

As if to say sorry.

Sorry for what? Lying to me? Cheating on me? Hurting me? Or ruining my life?

Hunter places a protective hand on the small of my back and Bianca stands right next to me, still clutching her arm.

Steph and Tyler are behind me, and to be honest I feel safer with them around me than I did with Maggie and Ashley.

They are my shield.

"Aw, you got yourself a little gang of what? Outcasts?" Amanda giggles and I glare at her.

Steph didn't let that get to her.

"Be careful who you're talking to, Amanda."

There's something more in that warning, I could see it in the way Aiden tensed, "You might lose your place as a cheerleader," she warns and Amanda grimaces at her.

After all, Steph is cheer captain, and she can still get rid of Amanda if she tries.

"Or..." Amanda starts and I catch her looking at me, her eyes giving nothing away, "You can lose your place. What would our Coach say if she finds out her favourite cheerleader is pregnant?" She grins and Steph's eyes widens.

That was a low blow.

She can't be, but when I turn to look at her, her face is red with anger.

Tyler grabs hold of both her shoulders and whispers something in her ear.

She relaxes her shoulders and give him a reassuring smile.

It gives everything away.

Stephanie is expecting.

"Okay, listen here," Bianca steps forward and pokes Amanda's chest, hard, "you are just a jealous, fake blonde bimbo who will hurt other feelings to make yourself feel better." She scowls, "Well guess what Barbie doll? We can do that too, but we don't. It's considered rude." She rolls her eyes, "But, since you're accusing Steph of her pregnancy, I say at least she only slept with one person and is only having a baby. Not a walking STD."

Oof...didn't expect that.

I can't help but feel proud of this friend group.

They are standing up for each other.

I never experienced such care from "friends" before.

Because you never had friends.

"Yeah-" before Amanda could finish her sentence, Bianca lifts her hand, silencing her, "Yeah? I will 'yeah' in this conversation. Amanda, you turned so fake that when you stand in front of a stove you'll melt. So don't even try, we'll roast you like the witch on Wizard of Oz."

Bianca gives one glare at Aiden and turns around, "Come on, guys. We had a fun day, and we can still have one, let's just get away from the trash," she nods her head towards Amanda and Aiden.


I am sitting next to Hunter in Tyler's 4x4 as we drive back home.

Hunter's house, since mine isn't the best or biggest to bring a bunch of teenagers.

Hunter places his hand on my thigh, and I lean my head on his shoulder.

I am deep in my thoughts, or memories.

Before things turned the way it did with Amanda.


I was sitting in the cafeteria; it's Freshmen year and Amanda was my only friend. She was better, pretty, and casual.

"Julia, let's get to know Katie and her friends. I heard that they're awesome!" Amanda smiled hopefully. She knew very well that I didn't click with other people. Not even to say 'hi'.

"Amanda..." She sighed and looked away. Just then her new boyfriend, James, made his way towards her. They're dating for about 2 months now. He is a football player, older than her by 2 years and has a bad influence on her.

She didn't listen to me before about boyfriends, why would she now? She claims that he is a good kisser (even though I never wanted to know that) and believes that he is "the one".

"Katie asked if you'd like to come to her party," he smirked, and Amanda squealed before jumping on his lap and kissing him.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I'd love that! You're coming right?" She asked him with big eyes and a huge smile. He nodded and I watched in disgust as he pulled her body closer towards his.

"I don't think I'll go to this one, Amy," I had to tell her before she asked me.

I don't like saying "no" to her, even though it wouldn't be a difference if I went.

It'll be our fifth party this year together.


Little did I know that that party was the reason for her change in her attitude.

James cheated on Amanda that night with a girl no one knew off.

When she came crying, she started yelling at me and blaming me.

She believed that the mysterious girl was me, but I told her it wasn't.

She could ask my parents.

She dropped that idea quick, but she started a new relationship with Brad.

He was a sweet guy, but Amanda found out he liked me more than her, so she left him.

After that she went out more and drank more, got more drunk and crashed at my place.

A week after another party we found out that she was taken advantage off in her drunk state, and that she was pregnant.

I helped her get rid of the baby, abortion she told me was the only option.

She got herself another boyfriend, a guy who was part off Aiden's gang.

He didn't know about her pregnancy, and she wanted to keep it that way.

When she laid eyes on Aiden back then, she fell in love, but I never knew.

So, when Aiden asked me out instead of her, I obviously said 'yes'.

After that...she never came back to me.

She ignored me at school, and I couldn't understand why, but after a while it clicked.

She was jealous of me who got Aiden first.


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