Chapter 1

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"Jazzy!!! Wake up!" My mom yelled from downstairs. I didn't want to get up. It was moving day. I was moving 3,000 miles away from my friends. From my hometown. I was mad and sad, but I had to be happy for my mom. She would be getting a new job that would let her travel more... yay.

"Jazzy, come on. Get dressed and ready. We have to leave for the airport on 45 minutes!" My mom yelled as she barged into my room.

"Alright ma! I'm coming." I yelled back in response.

"Jasmine Leilani Neils, talk to me like that one more time. I dare you. Don't get on my bad side." My mom warned me.

"Sorry ma. I just don't want to leave. I love it here!" I explained.

"J, there's more opportunities in California! You've always wanted to visit! And there's too much crime here. So get up and let's get going." My mom said.

"Fine." I say.

I get out of bed and walk across my empty room towards my bathroom. I take a shower and get dressed.


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You then run downstairs with your 3 suitcases and your purse

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You then run downstairs with your 3 suitcases and your purse.

"Ready to go Jazzy?" My mom asked.

"Sure..." I say.

"It's going to be fun baby. Come on." My mom says.

We get into the car and drive to the airport. We both get our bags checked and head to security. Once we get through security, we head to get some McDonald's and then go to our gate. My mom and I finished our food as our flight just began boarding.

"All Passengers to Gate 23A, boarding is starting. Grab your tickets and items then line up." The door lady says.

My mom and I line up and get on the plane. I have only been on a plane once before. That was when I was 4 and I was moving to Maryland from Hawaii. My family still lives there. I miss them so much. They always took care of me.

"Jaz, I'm so excited!" My mom said so immaturely.

I roll my eyes and then close them so I can sleep. I wake up and I see the ground coming at me super fast. I start to get scared but then the pilot comes on speaker.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now landing into LAX. Please gather your belongings and enjoy your stay in California, and if you live here, welcome home."

"Here that Jaz? They said welcome home!" My mom said with excitement.

I roll my eyes and grab my stuff. Everyone gets off the plane and heads to baggage claim. I automatically see my 3 teal blue suitcases come around the circle. I quickly grab them and wait for my mom to get her stuff. Not long after I get my luggage, she has her in hand. We get an Uber to our new house. Correction, our new mansion. We got to our new mansion and I was stunned. I also looked around at all of the other houses. They looked identical but also different because the owners gave them a personal touch. I walked in with my mom and we both said: WOW WOW!

We then both look at each other and laugh. We then both look at the stairs and and then back at each other. I run for the stairs until my mom rolls something.

"Master Bedroom is Mine!!"

Dammit! She got to it before me without having to move. I laugh and walk up the stairs with my bags. I walk past the huge master bedroom to a room that's smaller but still pretty big. I smile and set my stuff down. I walk around to find my own walk-in closet and my own bathroom. I was excited. Back in Baltimore me and my mom had to share a bathroom. And I didn't even have a closet. I just had a dresser. I walked out of my room to explore the rest of the upstairs when I heard a knock on the door. I looked down from the balcony that was in the house and saw 4 strong guys talking to my mom. She then turned around and yelled.

"J, the movers are here! Let's go and get something to eat."

I went back inside my room to grab my phone and wallet. I then ran downstairs and out of the house and to the car. Before I got in I saw 5 extremely cute boys looking towards me. The tallest one smiled and waved. I didn't want to be rude to this sexy dude so I smiled and waved back. I then got in and my mom drove away.

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