Chapter 10

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I went over and saw Jasmine laying on the ground with a bloody nose and bruises all over her. I bent down and kissed her cheek. He heard her let out a heavy breath. She felt so lifeless. I began to cry. I called the ambulance and then I put Jasmine on her bed. I went over to Edwin and pulled him off of Zion. He looked at me with confusion until he looked me into my eyes. Edwin backed away and sat with Jasmine. I bent down to help Zion up. Once he got up, I pushed him into a wall. I punched his stomach and his face multiple times. Just then the door bell rang and Edwin went to open it. I kicked Zion once he fell to the ground. The ambulance saw Jasmine and Zion and then looked at me with a horrified face. I just looked at Jasmine. Please don't die on me baby. I need you. I said to myself. Edwin explained everything to the paramedics and they took Jasmine. I didn't want them to touch her but I had to let her go so she could get some help. After they got Jasmine on the stretcher, one of the paramedics went to check on Zion. The guy picked up Zion and placed him over his shoulder. I stayed there in Jasmine's bed, just motionless. I want her to be with me, in my arms. I want her to be smiling and sarcastic like she usually is. This is all of our faults. She told me that she was never like this in Baltimore. We ruined her. I need to tell her mom, but I can't. I don't want her to worry. I ran out of the house and to my car, I had to go see Jasmine. I drove as fast I could to the hospital and waited about 5 minutes before I walked in. I got enough confidence and asked for her room number.

"426" The receptionist said.

"Thanks." I said.

I ran to the elevator and clicked the number 4. I then ran out of the elevator and to her room. I saw her laying there with her eyes open. She saw me and smiled. I ran up to her and hugged her. I began to cry.

"Oh my fucking god! Are you okay princess?" I asked.

"I'm fine Brandon." Jasmine said calmly.

I just looked at her. She looked so calm and beautiful. I'm glad she's mine. Just then, the doctor came in.

"Hello, Ms. Niels and Mr.....?" The doctor said.

"Arreaga. Brandon Arreaga." I said.

"Okay. Very well then. Ms. Niels, you are good to go. You are healthy. You just need to be careful for the next 3-4 days. No sexual activity for at least a week." The doctor said.

Jasmine and I both became very red after the doctor said the last part.

"Thank you." Jasmine and I said in unison.

"No problem. Also, your friend...with the name of Caleb Zion Kuwonu- we found drugs in his system. They aren't any type of drug, it's a type of drug that changes your personality and how you may act. Was he showing any signs of the symptoms lately?" The doctor said.

"Actually yeah. He became that way after I denied him from getting into my pants." Jasmine slightly chuckled.

I looked at Jasmine confused. When he hell was- Oh! That's when they were calling bombarding Jasmine the other day when she cut herself.

"I only said no for two reasons: 1. He called me a slut like a few days before and things were moving too fast. 2. I knew he wouldn't be super mad because he knows to wait." Jasmine explained.

The doctor and I both looked surprised at her. The doctor cleared his throat and I turned my attention to him.

"He's just in the next if you would like to see him." The doctor suggested.

Jasmine and I nodded and the doctor left. I helped her get dressed before we went to go see Zion. We both got up walked out the room and to the one next to us. I opened the door and Jasmine hesitated to walk in, so I grabbed her hand and walk in. Zion sees us and smiles. He then stops and holds his face.

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