Chapter 5

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I finished my pizza and sat on the couch in silence. I was thinking about all of the people that Zion would tell about me and Brandon. I'm glad he didn't find out about me and Edwin. It's only 9pm. Maybe I should just take a quick walk and clear my mind. I get up and put on some athletic clothes and left the house. I walked down my street and even past the boys' house. I then decided to walk to the beach. Once I got there, I sat down in the sand. Nobody was there, so it was the perfect time to think.

What if Zion finds out about me and Edwin?
What if Zion tries to hit me again?
What if Brandon makes up a fake story and I get in trouble?
Ugh, what if the guys don't talk to me ever again?
I hate my life.

My thoughts were all 'what if's'. My mom had always told me to not believe in the negative what if's. But there can't really be a positive without me or someone feeling some type of way. Why is life doing this to me. My thoughts were soon interrupted by a voice.

"Hey." The voice says.

I turn around and see Nick. I get up and hug him. Not just an ordinary hug, a tight and scared hug. He hugged me back and I felt safe. But then the thoughts of me getting in trouble quickly came back and I began to cry.

"Oh no. Shhh. Shhh. Don't cry. What's wrong?" Nick asks concerned.

"I-I d-don't w-wan-nt t-to get I-in trou-ble!" I say as I cry onto Nick's shoulder.

He just stands there and hugs me tighter. He then sits me down in the sand.

"What's wrong?" Nick asks gently.

I shake my head because I don't want to tell him what happened.

"Just tell me. I promise, I won't be mad." Nick says.

"Okay." I sigh.

I told him the whole story of what happened and he looks at me with a face of confusion and disgust. I look at him and break down in tears. He quickly hugs me again.

"I'm not mad, it's okay." Nick says.

"Thanks. I just don't want to lose Zion. He was the first person I actually met here in LA. And now I'm losing grip of him." I explain.

"You won't lose him. It might be hard, to get him to a good standing point but you won't lose him. He likes you a lot. I'm pretty sure it hurt him when he saw you kissing Brandon. But just apologize and see where things take off from there. Okay?" Nick says.

"I'm afraid...."I say.

"Why?" Nick asks.

"I don't want him to hit me again." I say.

"He would never hit yo- WAIT AGAIN?!?" Nick says getting angry at the end.

"Y-yeah he slapped me when he saw Brandon and I kissing." I explain.

"Come on let's go. Right now!" Nick demands.

I get up with him and he pulls me all the way back to his house. But I stop at the front door, afraid that Zion would hit me again. Nick sees and he puts his arm around me and walks in. Zion immediately sees me and comes towards me. He tries to push me out of the house but Nick stands in front of me.

"She's not leaving." Nick states.

"Oh yes this slut is!" Zion says

"Not until we talk." Nick says.

"About?" Zion asks.

"Everything." Nick replies.

Zion sighs and tries to go upstairs but Nick grabs his arm and gives him a look. Zion looks at me. I don't even see him looking at me. I am too busy feeling guilt while looking at the ground. I feel Nick's hand pull me to the kitchen. I keep my head down as Nick pushes me into a seat.

"Jasmine." Nick says.

"yeah...?" I softly ask. I am dreading being here.

"Would you like to say anything to Zion?" Nick asks.

I shake my head no. Then Nick whispers in my ear to apologize to him and to explain my thinking. I give up and look at Zion in his chocolatey dark brown eyes. I open my mouth, waiting for words to come out. But nothing comes out except tears. Zion sees and gets up to walk out of the kitchen but Nick stops him.

"Let her talk. Just listen." Nick pleaded.

"Nothing is coming out of her mouth! How the fuck am I supposed to listen If she's not saying anything?" Zion says.

"Go sit and wait until she's ready" Nick demanded.

Zion went back to the table and he sat down. He just looked at me. Waiting for an explanation for a sentence, for a word, for a sound. But nothing. I thought about what to say and then I finally opened my mouth to speak.

"Zion, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset earlier today. I really am sorry. I didn't realize what could have been going on in your head. I wasn't in your head. I didn't know what you were thinking. And I didn't realize that you liked me. But that's not the only thing I'm apologizing for..." I say but then I trail off towards the end.

Just before I explain what happened with Edwin, he walks in and sits down next to Zion. Great. Just fucking perfect.

"Hey guys....whatcha talking about?" Edwin asks.

"You." Nick says.

"Huh? Why would you be talking about me? I'm perfect! " Edwin says with a perfect smile.

I just look at him. With no facial expression. I feel like I'm dying. I want to go home and cry. I had to stay strong.

"Well. Earlier after school. Edwin and I.......went upstairs. And, we had sex." I said.

Zion looked at Edwin and anger filled his eyes. I felt bad. So so so bad. I didn't want Edwin to get hurt. But I had to tell the truth.

"Edwin was my....first. We did use protection. And I feel awful for doing that now....No offense to you Edwin." I say.

Zion looks down and I see tear fall out of his eye. I feel so bad. I really liked Zion when I first met him but the others got to me.

"I know you want to call me a slut, and you can. I have to except that. I'm really sorry..." I say tearing up.

I get up and walk out of the kitchen and out of the house. Zion follows. I make my way across the street and to my front door. It is now 10:30pm. I put my hand on the door knob and sigh. I then stand there and cry. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see Zion.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hit you and I didn't mean to call you a slut. I just wanted you so badly and when I saw you kissing Brandon, I got mad and jealous." Zion said.

"Ok." I say.

"That's it? Ok? What do you mean?" Zion said.

"I'm mad at myself right now and I am also mad at you. I really need some time to myself." I state.

I turn around to open the door. And once I am about to close the door, Zion grabs me and pulls me into a kiss. I am completely shocked. I want to kiss back but I don't want to be a slut. Zion's lips are so soft and warm. I want more. But I have to wait. I then pull away and smile slightly. Then I close the door leaving him there. I run upstairs and change for bed. I quickly go to sleep, eager for the next day.

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