Chapter 12

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After about 10 minutes of me and Brandon sitting together my phone rang. It was my mom. I put her on speaker phone.

J: Hello?
M: Hey Jazz. Are you packed yet?
J: Almost done.
M: Okay. I'll be home tomorrow evening.
J: Okay.
M: Tell the guys that I love them as my own and that I want them to have a good day.
B: Thank you mama Neils.
M: Awww! Who is that?
B: It's Brandon.
M: Hey Brandon! How is everything?
B: It's good! How about you?
M: Oh I'm fine! Thanks for askin!
J: Geez Mom if you wanted to talk to Brandon I could have given you his number.
M: Haha I'm sorry doll. Anyways, Brandon, is Jasmine being good?
B: I guess. There have been a few ups and downs but it's good.
M: Oh. Well feel free to smack Jasmine if she gets a little a-
J: MOM! I'm right here!
M: Whoops! I got to go kids! I love you both and the other boys.
J&B: Bye, I love you too.

"Why'd you tell my mom that you love her?" I ask.

"I was just being nice. She said it first I said it back." Brandon explains.

"Whatever" I laugh.

"'re leaving." Brandon says.

"Yeah. I am" I say awkwardly.

"Oh." Brandon says awkwardly as well.

We both turn to each other and we both lean in. We kiss each other for about 10 seconds until we hear yelling from downstairs. We immediately stopped and looked at each other. We both smiled at each other before going downstairs to check on the boys. Once we get to the bottom of the stairs we see everyone's eyes glued to Nick. He is freaking out over an 'uncalled for' foul.

"Nick. What the fridge is happening?" I ask.


Everyone looks at me. I am looking at Nick with a deadly glance. He slowly turns to me and smiles. He sees me coming towards him so he gets up and starts to run. I chase after him and so do the rest of the boys.


"NO! I DONT WANT TO DIE!!!!" Nick yells back in response.

"WORLD STARRRRRR!" The boys tell from behind me as they record what's happening.


"Fine." I say as I stop.

I go to the kitchen and grab a few waters for everyone. Then I see Nick coming in as well with the boys behind him. I look at them all with a scared and curious look. Nick smiled and darts toward me. I scream and run around the house like a maniac. They are all hot on my tail. I run to my mom's room, which has two different doors to enter but nobody really knows about. So I purposely run in my mom's room leaving the door unlocked. I then run to her bathroom, which is connected to her walk in closet that has a door. That door leads to the hallway. I run through there and don't lock anything. The boys are still chasing me. But they get confused in the bathroom and closet so they slow down a bit and stop running. I keep going and make my way downstairs. I open up the front door and slam it for a distraction. I then run to my mom's office and stay in there trying to catch my breath. I hear the boys run downstairs and out of the door. I then don't hear anything so I turn towards the office door and I see them all standing there and smiling at me. I scream really loud and the boys stop smiling.

"What the fridge?! How did you g- from u- that doesn't make se- HUH?" I say out of breath still.

"Magic" Austin states.

Then we all go back to the living room and watch SpongeBob. It was a lazy Sunday for us. Nothing much for us to do. So we sat there most of the day.

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