Chapter 45

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The guys all came back in a matter of 45 minutes and they still have smiles on their faces.

"Tickets are purchased, our flight leaves tomorrow at 5am." I say letting them know.

"Thanks Jazz." Jonah says.

"No problem. I love you guys with all of my heart." I say.

"By the way, Jack is with Gabbie, they will be having their own little vacation." Zach says.

I nod and then Corbyn speaks up.

"Daniel is...with Aspen, so I think he is good." He says lightly.

I nod and smile at them.

I'm glad I have them here to support me.


Hey guys! That was 'The New Girl In Town'! I hope you enjoyed this story! It was so fun to write and it really changed my mindset on writing.

I do like writing now, and I am happy that I have as many supporters as I do right now.

You guys have commented, voted, and read my story.

Thank you so much. I honestly wouldn't have continued to write this story without you guys.

So I just want to personally thank every single reader on here. You've inspired me to become a better person and be more creative.

Now speaking of story about Shawn Mendes is out! GO AND CLICK MY NAME TO READ IT!

It's called 'No Promises'. Please give me feedback on the story, and let me know what you think.

Again, thank you so much!

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