Chapter 27

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Tatiana's POV

I think I just ruined my daughter's relationship and maybe even her life. Shit.

Brittany's POV

Stupid bitch. I hope she kills herself. I finally have Brandon and Zion Back in my hands. But this still isn't over. When I say something is means war. I won't stop until I push my limits. I'll just call in the big weapons.

Brandon's POV

God why does she have to be so stupid? I can't believe I ever dated her. Now I'm the stupid one. Damn. Looks like I'm going to have to forbid any of the guys from talking to her or seeing her. I don't want them to get hurt as well.

Jasmine's POV

I've been in the shower for an hour and I don't plan on getting out. I hate my life so much. My mom leaves me to go on her stupid business trips. She never cared. If she did, I would be back home in Baltimore or even Hawaii with my family. I would even know who my dad was, but all she cares about is money. I'm fine with it. I have friends....I think. Taylor nor Josh have texted me or returned my calls. Maybe I can talk to the boys or the girls!

I get out of the shower and get dressed in grey sweatpants and a black sports bra. I take out my phone and text the group chat that I have with the guys.

Hey guys! Wanna hang out later?

Message not sent. Number has been blocked from all recipients of chat.

They blocked me? Why? Oh well. I'll text the girls.

Hey ladies, wanna go to the mall?

Message not sent. Number has been blocked from all recipients of chat.

Them too? What the hell? I'll just go on social media and text them.


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User not found


User not found

Why did they block me?

I was brought out of my thoughts when there was knock on my door. I opened it and there stood my mom.

"Hey honey. Boss just called and I have to go on a trip. I'm sorry I'll be missing your 18th but I love you with all of my heart." She said.

I nodded and closed the door. I heard her walk down the stairs and out of the front door. Then I saw her car drive away.

"She left me. She actually left me on the week of my birthday. It's like 2 days away......" I said shedding a few tears.

I face planted my bed and cried my eyes out. It didn't help since nobody was there to comfort me.

Brittany's POV

I have a plan to get rid of Jasmine. My life will be back to normal where I had Brandon all to myself.

"Hey guys." I said walking to the living room.

"Wassup." They all said.

"So....I was thinking. And I came up with a really good plan on how to get Jasmine out of our lives." I said evilly.

"But we already blocked her from everything." Nick said.

"Yeah, how else are we supposed to get rid of her?" Austin added.

"Well my daddy is super rich and I can hire a hit man to literally get rid of her." I chirped.

"Brittany what the hell?!" Brandon said.

"What? It's not like you want to see her stupid face again." I said in a 'duh' tone.

"She's right. You did say that you never wanted to see her again." Edwin said.

"Shut up Ed. And that doesn't mean I want to kill her!" Brandon yelled.

"Well too late, he's on his way." I said.

"What?!" They guys all yelled.

"I thought you guys would agree to the plan didn't." I said.

Ding ding!

I'm here. Should I just break in?

"The guy is at her place! I can't wait to watch this." I say sitting on a couch near the front window.

"Dude! We have to go help her!" Edwin yells standing up.

"What did I tell you!? You are not allowed to talk to her or go over there. And I'm sure it won't be that bad." Brandon said.

"You sure? Cuz he's already in there." I say smiling.

The guys all gather at the window and watch.

Austin's POV

When Brittany said he was already in there, I didn't believe her. She couldn't do this to Jasmine.

So I went to the window and saw a black van. Then I heard screaming. It must have been really loud considering, her house was across the street.

All of a sudden there are 3 loud bangs that went off. The guys comes running out and he has blood all over his face and jacket. He quickly drives away while the other neighbors rush to see what happened. I immediately jumped off of the couch and ran towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Brandon asked.

"To see if Jasmine is alright." I say.

"What did I tell you? If you go over there, so help me God, I will remove you from this band and ruin your life." Brandon threatened.

I frowned at him and walked out of the house. I heard sirens in the distance and neighbors were running into her house. I squeezed my way in and went upstairs to Jasmine's room. Neighbors came out of there and they looked horrified. My heart was beating a million miles a second. I walked in and there was blood everywhere. I saw a red pile and went over to it. I soon realized that it was Jasmine. I bent down to her level and held her.

"Jasmine please don't go! Please!! I'm so sorry! Please hang on!" I screamed.

All of a sudden, a paramedic pushes me off of her and checks her pulse. He slowly turns around to me and shakes his head. He then speaks to his radio.

"This is ap24, we are at the house that reported gunshots....The girl is gone." The guy says.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" I screamed.

My voice cracked multiple times while screaming and all I wanted was for Jasmine to be alive. We may not have liked each other the way her and the other guys did, but I missed her and I needed her to be alive.

I took my chances and went up to her. The paramedic pushed me back.

"Let me hold her!" I screamed while crying my eyes out.

He backed up and let me hold her. Her body was so limp and cold. Many of my tears fell on her face. But I didn't care, I just wanted her back. I wanted to see that smirk that made me happy.

"Jazz....please wake up. You can't leave me. You can't leave us. There is so much for you to do. You're so young, you can't go!" I whispered to her.

I stared at her and she wasn't moving. Her chest wasn't rising and falling. I am just now taking in that she's gone.

Jasmine Leilani Neils is.........Gone.

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