Chapter 14

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The boys and I were waiting for about almost 3 hours for it to get dark outside. I notified the boys.

"Guys it's getting dark. Make sure you have a flashlight if you are the seeker and don't pee your pants." I teased with the last part.

They all nodded and laughed.

"Jazz!" My mom yelled.

I quickly got up and darted towards the door. I ran downstairs and saw my mom looking like she was ready to leave.

"I'm going to the store for a bit and then I might go to a friend's house. Dinner is ready, tell the boys and I will be back." My mom said kissing my forehead and leaving the house.

I waited for her to leave the driveway before I turned off all of the lights in the house, except the kitchen. I then ran upstairs and turned off the lights in every room but mine. I walk in and see the boys trying to twerk. Let me tell you, it was the funniest thing I have ever seen. I started laughing my butt off. They all then stopped and looked at me with embarrassed faces.

"Okay......1,2,3, NOT IT!" I yelled while placing my finger on my nose.

"NOT IT!" Brandon, Austin, Edwin and Zion yelled while placing their fingers on their noses.

"Shit!" Nick said.

"10 second head start!" I yelled while running out.

The boys followed except Nick. He stayed back and counted to 30. I ran into the bathroom on the bottom floor. I was curled up in a tight ball in the bathtub when the door slowly creaked open. I was scared for my life. Then I saw a tall black silhouette get into the bathtub.

"Zion?" I asked.

"W-what the fuck Jasmine!?!" Zion yelled.

I got up a little and covered his mouth. He took my hand from his mouth and held on to my hips. I was a bit surprised by that action, but eventually, I didn't really care. His hands were soothing. Zion pulled me closer to him, until I finally decided to lean in and kiss him. He kissed back of course and he moved my legs so that I was straddling him now. He slightly moves his hips into mine and begins to grind. I let out a shy moan before I buried my face into the crook of his neck. He held on tight to me as his grinds became rough. I tried so hard not to moan, but I couldn't. I moaned into Zion's shoulder, in order to muffle it as much as possible. I felt a burning heat in the pit of my stomach. I knew what was coming. I decided to make it even and grind on Zion. He started moaning and groaning as I went faster. I covered his mouth with my hand as I kissed his neck. He pulled me closer and bucked his hips into mine uncontrollably. My climax was coming and so was his. He got rougher by the second and his grunts became deeper. I felt something hit my core from underneath me. At that moment Zion paused and held me tight to his body. He then let out choked up and seized grunts as he let me go. I knew at that moment he came. I kissed his lips and went back to my spot. After waiting for about 5 minutes, Zion and I decided to walk around the house. Eventually, him and I split up. I was in 'the creepy hallway' of my house. I was a bit scared because this hallway always freaked me out. Nothing was in it but an old rocking chair. I knew the full map of the hallway. I knew where I was with every step. I entered the hallway and knew the rocking chair was coming up to my right. I continued to walk when all of a sudden....

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Nick and the guys yelled.

I screamed and yelled out of fear. I fell to the floor and almost passed out. My breathing became rapid and staccato. The boys noticed and turned on the hallway light.

"Oh my god! Jasmine are you okay?" Austin asked with concern in his voice.

I just gasped for air. I couldn't answer them. My body was in shock. Brandon left to go get water. He helped me sit up and drink it. I eventually calmed down and was finally able to speak.

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