Chapter 16

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I rushed to the bathroom and locked the door. I searched my bathroom for the hidden passageway. I finally found it and opened it. Inside were a couple of blades. I grabbed one and looked into the mirror.

"Slut. Nobody loves you. Nobody needs you. This is why you can't keep a boyfriend. You are too busy hoeing around. Stupid bitch." I say while breaking down.

I looked at my arm and quickly swiped the blade against my arm. I screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

"Fuck!" I yelled.

I felt a bit light-headed, so I calmed myself down a bit. I couldn't. I was hyperventilating and I couldn't control it. Then I heard a few voices yelling, but before I could identify those voices, everything went black.

Brandon's POV

I heard screaming from Jasmine's bathroom, so I quickly went to her room and went towards the bathroom.

"Jazz?" I asked while knocking on the door.

No answer. I was getting worried. What if she hurt herself?

"Dude! What was that? Where is Jazz?" Edwin asks frantically.

I pointed towards the bathroom.

"J. Open up please." Edwin sort of yells.

No answer. Edwin then knocks on the door a bit hard.

"Jazz. Are you okay?" He asks with more aggression in his tone.

All of a sudden the rest of the guys came in, except Zion. He left somewhere.

Edwin explained everything to them and they banged on Jasmine's bathroom door. No answer, still.

We all kick down the door and see Jasmine in the ground, unconscious, with blood coming out of her arm.

"Oh my god! Someone call the ambulance!" I yelled.

Nick left. Austin, Edwin, and I stayed and tried to wake her up.

"Jazz. Please wake up!" I begged.

I broke down into tears and held on to Jasmine tight. As tight as I could. I checked her breathing, and nothing.

Then the ambulance came and took Jasmine. I went inside of the truck with her. I held onto her hand as tight as possible, without breaking any bones. Shortly after, we arrived at the hospital. I entry with the paramedics and Jazz. They saw her and immediately started to panic. They pushed me away from her and I refused to leave. All of a sudden, a few security guards came and held me back. They pushed me back up against a wall. I continued to break down. They all look at me with sorrow.

"I-is she g-going to be a-alright?" I ask, stuttering with my words.

They just look at me and then look away. I cry even more. Is Jazz going to die?

A/N: Hey y'all! Um so, sorry that this chapter is a bit short. It just went with the other chapter. Also the next will be from a few point of views, so that's why it's kinda short. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed. Sorry for the sad and depressing stuff. I try to keep my stories happy and fun but I just went with the flow I guess.

LASTLY: Thanks for 200+ views! I am so happy! I never expected this to come. Another chapter between tonight (1•6•18) or tomorrow night (1•7•18). PEACE ✌🏽

Word Count: 548 Words

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