Chapter 41

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We cuddled for about an hour....all until Zion walked in.

"Um...hey?" He said unsure of what was happening.

"Hey." Brandon said wrapping an arm around me.

They're all cocky.

"Y'all together now?" Zion asked.

"Yeah..." I say.

"" He says with a sad tone.

"Zion?" A female voice says.

"In here!" Zion says.

"Hey baby, can we do something?" The girl says.

She walks closer and the girl is Fiffany. What the hell does Austin think about this?!

"What is she doing here?" She asks with sass pointing at me.

"She is with Brandon, she can be here if she wants." Zion says looking angry.

"Oh...well I don't want to be in the same house as her!" She complains.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna go..." I say getting up.

"I'm coming with you." Brandon says getting up as well.

I put on my shoes and grab my items. Brandon grabs my hand and pulls me out of his room.

On the way out, Fiffany bumps shoulders with me and pushes me out. I stop and look at her and then continue to walk. We get to his car and get in. Then he drives to my condo. We get out and I am almost to my door when I see Christina being walked out in handcuffs by the police. She looks at me and smiles.

I immediately get worried and run into my condo. I see Zach on a stretcher and he's bleeding.

"Zach, are you okay?" I ask him.

"She got me. It hurts so bad!" He says beginning to cry.

"It's going to be alright. They'll take care of you." I reassure.

"Don't leave me!" He says full on crying.

"I'll meet you at the hospital. I'll be waiting for you, Okay?" I say.

He nods and the paramedics take him away.

I close my door and Brandon is just standing there with wide eyes.

"Don't ask because I don't even know." I say.

"Okay. Wanna go to the hospital now?" He asks walking closer.

"I think he was stabbed, so he will have to go into surgery. Maybe in 30 minutes. I need to process what just happened." I say going to my room.

He nods and follows. I plop down on my bed, face-first and I just let my body relax. I feel the bed dip in between my legs because I am in the starfish position. Brandon lays down on top of me puts his weight on me.

He let out a sigh and kissed my neck.

This is not going to happen! I'm in a bad right now.

"Brandon. Not right now!" I yell.

He doesn't kiss my neck anymore, but he just lays there. I finally relax and sit for a while.

I checked the time and it's 7:23. Half an hour from now is 7:53. I'll just go to the hospital at 8. I set an alarm and go to sleep.


I wake up to annoying beeping and see that it's 8:01. I get up and Brandon is laying on the other side of my bed. I kiss his forehead and grab my things to leave. I then grab some extra clothes for Zach to wear. Then I leave.

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