Chapter 30

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Jasmine's POV

I was taken back to the hospital by my family. I was so happy to be able to move, breathe, think, and just whatever! I really miss my Dad and Grandma. Hopefully they will be waiting for me.

I am in the hospital bed in a gown with an IV hooked up to my arm and doctors constantly checking up on me.

"Well, Jasmine, you are good to go! Your vitals are back to normal as if nothing ever happened. While you were gone, we were able to remove the bullets from your foot, thigh, and abdomen. You are a very lucky girl." The doctor said.

"Thanks." I say smiling.

It feels weird to do anything but I need to get used to it.

"Doc, can you tell me a joke? I want to laugh." I say.

"Okay......I have a corny joke and a dark joke." He says.

".....surprise me." I say.

"How many babies does it take to paint a wall?" He asks.

"I don't know..." I say.

"Depends on how hard you throw them!" He says laughing.

" so funny." I say rolling my eyes.

"Well I will be right back. Would you like anything to eat from the cafeteria or anywhere else?" He asks.

"Ummm, I'll have water." I say.

"Okay. I'll be right back." He says leaving.

I lay back and think about life. Shit is crazy. Wow. The doctor comes back with a bottle of water and a clipboard.

"Jasmine, you may be dispersed from the hospital in 2 days. Also you have some visitors in the lobby. Would you like me to get them?" He asks.

"Sure." I say shrug.

A few minutes later, he comes back with the 5 people I didn't want to see. Immediately Brandon came up to me and hugged me. I pushed him back and he fell.

"Ow! Jasmine what the hell?!" He yelled.

"Now you know how it feels." I say crossing my arms.

"I'm so glad you're alive! I don't want to hold your dead body ever again!" Austin yelled hugging me.

"That was you?" I ask.

"Yeah. You were still alive?" He asked.

"Um sort of. I was there but I couldn't do anything." I respond.

"Oh. I'm glad you're okay though!" He said hugging me again.

Then the rest of the guys besides Brandon hugged me. He had an attitude, but I don't really care.

He hurt me and he doesn't even realize. But it's not the time for me to be sappy and shit.

"So...What have you guys been doing while I was gone?" I ask.

"Crying." They say in unison.

"Awwww! Come here guys!" I say telling them to come closer while I open my arms.

They all hug me besides Brandon...again. They pull back and notice the tension.

"Zion, Austin, and Edwin...wanna get some food?" Nick suggests.

"Yeah!" "Of course!" "Thank god!" They say.

I roll my eyes as they leave. It's just Brandon and I. Sitting in awkward silence. We're both mad at each other and neither of us want to talk.

Brandon's POV

I want to talk to her so bad! But I am supposed to be 'mad' at her. I'm not mad.....well maybe im a little upset from when she pushed me but I deserved it. I pushed her down the same day she 'died'. I should have never touched her.....or told anyone to block her on everything. I was just mad and Brittany was there for me too and I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!

"Jasmine, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for ruining your very late relationship with Zion, I'm sorry for leaving you for my ex, I'm sorry for getting mad at you from a stupid text, I'm sorry for accusing you for something you never did, I'm sorry for pushing you, and lastly.....I'm sorry for making everyone shut you out. I was mad at the text your mom sent me. I had just told you the truth and you didn't want anything to do with me. I'm sorry for all of my bullshit. I really am! I miss holding you, I miss your laugh, I miss kissing your lips, and I miss just being able to call you mine. Jazz- I-I-I love you." I said now in tears.

I looked down not wanting her to see my like this. I then heard some shuffling and then her machines went off. I immediately looked up and Jasmine stood in front of me. She straddled my lap and pressed her soft lips against mine. She pulled away after 10 seconds and looked me in the eyes.

"That's all I wanted to hear." She said before reattaching our lips.

My hands held on her waist while her arms were wrapped around my neck. All of a sudden we were interrupted by a doctor rushing in, out of breath.

"Jasmine, please get back to n-need to b-be monitored until you l-leave." He say out of breath.

Jasmine gets up and gets back in her bed. The doctor presses a few buttons before attaching a single cord to a template on Jasmine's chest.

"I will limit you to one. This cord measures heart beat, blood pressure, and pulse all in one. Get some rest." The doctor says before leaving.

I stand up and Jasmine moves over to make room for me. I take off my shoes and get in bed. Jasmine snuggles up to me and I move my arm around Jasmine so fast, that I gave myself whiplash. I quickly drift off to sleep, but I hear Jasmine say something.

"I love you too." She says before falling asleep.

I smile and fall asleep as well.

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