Chapter 28

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Third Person POV

It's been 5 days since Jasmine was pronounced dead.

Austin returned back to the PM house and the guys saw how defeated he looked.

After seeing Austin in that state, Brandon began to feel bad. He felt guilty. He wished he could reverse time and go back. He missed Jasmine with all of his heart. He couldn't get over the fact that she wasn't smiling, laughing, talking, or breathing anymore. He loved her and regretted even being mad at her.

Nick and Edwin haven't been talking to anyone. Matter of a fact, they broke up with their girlfriends because they reminded them of Jasmine.

Zion went missing the day after Jasmine was pronounced dead. Nobody has seen him or heard from him.

Brittany and the Hit Man were arrested and taken to maximum security prison.

Jasmine's Mom returned home from the airport immediately after hearing about Jasmine. She's been sitting in their front yard for days, just looking at the sky and randomly talking to herself. Passing neighbors say it's like she's talking to the sky at times. Other times, she's just staring at the sky and nodding as if it's talking to her. (A/N y'all I'm crying. Like my eyes are getting blurry and my face is soaked with tears.😭😭😭🥀)

Austin eventually broke up with Fiffany and locked himself in his room. He couldn't take it. He couldn't stand that everyone will die some day. It can happen out of nowhere or it could be planned. One day you're just alive and happy then all of a sudden, everything is cut off from you and you have nothing. It's all dark and you can't talk anymore, smile, laugh, eat, or breathe in fresh air. You won't get to travel the world, go shopping, watch a movie, or even think. You'll just be there in the darkness. Eventually your soul decides to stay in the darkness or go somewhere better.

Nobody knows when death is coming. So you should always try to live everyday as if it were your last. You only live once, so take risks in everything that you do. It's okay to cry, and laugh until your lungs hurt. It's okay to be different. It's okay to be skinny, fat, short, tall, black, white, Hispanic, Asian. Is doesn't matter. Just do what you want and enjoy it.

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