Chapter 34

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It was Wednesday afternoon when my mom called me.

M: Hey Jazz.
J: Hey Mom!
M: How are you doing?"
J: I'm pretty good. How about you?
M: I'm ight. I can see your accent is starting to fade.
J: California has really changed me.
M: I can tell. Anyway, there is a reason I called.
J: Okay....
M: I'm moving back to BMore in a few days.
J: Really? That's great!
M: Yeah. I know you wanted to stay in California, and I want you to have all that you need. So I want to help buy you a condo.
J: Seriously?
M: Yeah.
J: Oh my gosh! Thanks Mom.
M: No problem. You just have to pay the bills and whatever else you need. I'll physically pay for the condo, but you gotta handle the rest.
J: Got it.
M: Alright well, I'll talk to you later today, I love you Jazz.
J: I love you too mom.
M: Be safe. Bye.
J: Bye!

I was so excited! I mean I am a bit upset that I couldn't get it myself but, I still get to pay for stuff. I finish up work early and go to my hotel to gather up my stuff. I was going to be leaving!

While I was in California, I wanted to get a job, a condo, and a boyfriend. I only have one of those things, about to be two. But I still wanted a boyfriend. I'm still not sure if I wanted to go back to Austin. I mean the guys are great and all, but I wanted to be away from them....I guess.

Enough about them, let's get back to the story...about ME!!! Yay!!! Anyway, I decided to order Chinese food, because I didn't feel like going out. I changed into sweats and waited for that knock on my door. While waiting, I decided to watch Netflix. What did I watch?, you're probably wondering. Well I was watching The Little Rascals. Great movie by the way. Oh Alfalfa!

During my previous and beloved movie, I got a call. It was my mom, so I had to answer.


Blah blah blah, we agreed on some stuff for my condo and that we would visit it tomorrow to see if I really wanted it.

But then she began asking me about the boys and if I talked to them recently. Of course I haven't. I didn't tell her that I deeply miss them, but she also knows about my 3 wants in California.

I guess I'm going to have to see what California has in store for me

ANOTHER FILLER IM SORRY. I've been inactive as well, sorry. I just want to read some stories for myself. But I will do whatever to make y'all happy. Next chapter will for sure come out tomorrow or Friday.

Hope y'all enjoyed!

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