Chapter 2: Deep in thought

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The phone rings 3 times before a voice answers and asks "who is this". I ask "are you Dean Winchester". To which the voice says " who's asking". I said " This might sound crazy but I am your daughter Elizabeth. He responded by telling me "I don't have daughter". "You do and it is a crazy story" I said. "How do I know your not lying" he asked. Why don't we meet up I asked. He said "ok, meet me at the diner in Lynchburg Tennessee, off of 99 at 11:00am." I said "ok" then he hung up.

I look up on my phone where the diner in Tennessee is and it is about 10 hours away from where I am. I don't feel like taking a bus there because I would still have to walk or rent a car because the bus would drop me off in a outside bigger city, and just the thought of my going back to my house to get my mothers car made me shiver. At that moment I realized what has just actually happened and I have a lot of questions. Is my mom dead or alive? How long until someone notices that I am gone? If my mom is dead who did it? If she's not dead then who kidnapped her? What is going to happen to me? And the most important of all, "how am I going to get that that diner". After 5 minutes of thinking I decide that I am going to look up a video on YouTube on how to hotwire a car then steal a car. I know exactly which car I am going to steal, it had been sitting in the same spot in a abandon store parking lot for about 5 years, and it hasn't moved at all so I guess that means no one cares about the car or wants it.

I finally walk out of the cornerstore toward the car. The car is about a 30 minute walk. The entire time I was walking I was deep in thought, I was reliving the fight that me and my mom had regretting it because maybe just maybe I could've saved her from whatever happened to her. "That was the stupidest thing I ever could've done" I yell into the night sky. I don't think that walking helped me because it gave me a chance to just regret everything bad I have done to her, like when I was 6 years old and threw cereal on the ground because I wanted to pour the milk into it. "Shit" I curse as I remember I never grabbed my headphones. I decided to just play the music out loud, but not too loud because I didn't want anyone to hear it. As I approach the abandon store I turn off my music and watch a video on how to hotwire a car. The car door was luckily unlocked so I didn't have to break the window. I follow the instructions from the video and cut the blue and red wire that put them together. "Come on" I whisper to myself as encouragement. The wires spark then the car starts."yes" I say to myself. I throw my bags into the back seat and turn on the gps on my phone then start to drive. For me being only 16 I know how to drive pretty well, I like to think. I exit the abandon parking lot take a left and drive until I hit the highway.

Driving alone in a car gives you nothing else to do but think or listen to music. Listening to music was out because I need to save my phone battery. The only thing I heard was google maps directions, the car tires on the road and my voice. I was thinking about my mom. The whole time I was getting prepared to find my father and finding him, I think I was full of adrenaline because it all finally hit me and I lost it. I had to pull off of the highway to a gas station where i sat in the parking lot until midnight. After crying I went into the gas station, and to the bathroom to clean myself up. After I cleaned myself up I bought a redbull, some chips and a charger for my phone that goes into the car. "Your total is $7.07" the cashier said. I gave her a $10 bill, then she handed me the change, receipt, and bag of red bull, chips, and charger. When I walked out of the door the first thing I saw was the police, there were about 5 of them all surrounding my car. I walk up to the car and ask "can I help you gentlemen", the biggest cop responded with "is this your car?". "No" I said trying to play it off. "Did you see who was driving it?" He asked. "I did see a older white man in his 30's get out of the car and walk across the street to that store." I lied. "Thank you mam" he said, then him and that other 4 cops started to walk across that street. Once they walked into the store across the street I hopped in the car and started driving away. "That was close" I said to myself. I wonder what that was about?

By the time I was back on the road it was 12:15 and I had another 5 hours of driving left. "At least I can listen to music now that I got a car charger" I said to myself. Driving went by a lot faster now because I could listen to music and the music also helped distract me from my thoughts. By the time I made it to Lynchburg it was about 6:15, an extra hour came out of me driving because I stopped to use the restroom, fill up the car with gas, and buy coffee.

I found a motel, that looked semi decent and went to go get a room. When I walked into the lobby it smelled like cinnamon and farts. The furniture was dirty and old but I didn't care. I walked up to the receptionist and asked for a room. "one or two beds, and how many nights" the lady asked. "One bed please and two nights" I answered not know how long I would be staying here. "$175.05 for one bed and two nights" the lady said. I handed her nine twenty dollar bills then she handed me the change. "Room 25" she said as she handed my room key. "Thank you" I said as I walked towards the doors. I drove the car and parked it right in front of my room, grabbed my bags, unlocked the door and walked inside. The room was not as bad ad I thought it would be. The paint was chipping alittle and the room smelled a little funky but besides that the room was nice considering the price it was. The bedding was cleaner than I thought, but I was so tired that i didn't even care what they looked like. The last thing I did before I passed out was set my alarm for 9:30am.

I woke up to my alarm, 3 hours later and jumped in the shower. I decided to blow dry my hair then very loosely curl it. I wore my favorite pair of blue ripped jeans and Panic at the Disco shirt.I put on mascara then prepared to leave. I left the motel room at 10:30, the diner is 20 minutes away from my motel room so that would get me there right on time. I made it to the diner at 10:55am, making sure I grabbed the leather jacket my mom said to show to dean as proof that I'm his daughter. Then I walked into the diner and sat down at booth placing the jacket behind me. Before I could even order a coffee I felt a tap on my shoulder and a man asked me "Are you Elizabeth?"

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