Chapter 7: In the hospital

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Dean P.O.V

"When can I see her" I said demandingly. "I don't know, not until the doctor says you can" a nurse replies. I go back into the waiting room and sit down. "What did they say" Sam asked. "We have to wait" I responded. "This is all my fault" I said. "If I would've made her stay in the room with us I could've protected her" I say. "There is nothing you can do by beating yourself up, why don't you go get us some coffee" Sam says. I stand up and go to the elevator and go to the cafeteria. I make me and sam a coffee then head back upstairs. When I get back to Sam he told me "the doctor said you can go see her, she just isn't awake yet". "What room is she in" I ask. "57" Sam replies. We both head towards room 57. We walk in and see her covered in tubes and bandages .I walk over next to her and take a seat. We wait for 2 hours and she still hadn't woken up. "I'm gonna go get some food, you want some" Sam asks. "Sure, you know what I like" I say. "Got it" he says and he walked away. Castiel left awhile ago to go deal with some important matter. The doctor walks in and asks "are you Elizabeth's father"."Yes" I reply. "I just need to over some information with you" he says. "Of course" I respond. "Well she has many fractured ribs, a broken leg, a broken wrist, a bad concussion, and lots of brushing. We have her on lots of morphine if she wakes up so she won't be in as much pain" he says. "What do you mean if she wakes up" I ask. "Well if I am being brutally honest, she might wake up and she might not, she has a horrible concussion" he says. "So you telling me my daughter might not wake up" I ask. "Just trying to be real with you sir" he says. "I have other patients so see, just press that button to call a nurse if she wakes up" he says then leaves. I sit back down and keep replaying what the doctor just told me in my head "if she wakes up"

Sam walks back into the room an hour later with the food. "Did you talk to a doctor yet" he asked. "Yea" I replied. "Well what did they say" Sam asks. "That she's pretty messed up, lots of fractures and bruising, and she has a concussion and they don't know if she will wake up" I replied. After I said that we sat in silence for a good 30 seconds. "We just have to be optimistic" Sam said. "I also got you that burger you asked for" he said. I take the burger and started eating it. "Fried egg, you really outdid yourself this time Sammy" I said. He just laughed. After we ate we started talking about the case. "Well now that we know it is a demon we can start working from there" I said. "Well we don't know 100 Percent if it is a demon or not" Sam replied. "Ok whatever" I said. "You can go out and look at the case and get to the bottom of it" I say. "What about you, what are you going to do" Sam asks. "I am going to be fine and I am just going to stay here and watch Elizabeth" I reply. "Are you sure" he asks. "Positive" I say."ok, but keep me updated, if anything happens text me" Sam says as he leaves. Shortly after Sam leaves I decide to take a short nap, because nothing looks like its changing, there is really nothing else to do, and I am tired.

I wake up about two hours later to Sam tapping me on the shoulder. I get into a striking pose before I realize it is Sam. "Watch out, its just me" he says. "Anything change with Elizabeth" Sam asks. "Nothing yet" I say. Sam sighs and sits down on a chair in the corner of the room. "Well what did you find out about the case" I ask Sam. "Well I still can't find the heart from the 1st crime scene" he says. "I wonder why it isn't there" I ask. "Well I have made up two theories. The first one is let's say that your right and this is a demon, maybe there was a original werewolf from the first kill who actually ate the heart then the demon killed the werewolf and starting imitating it. Or my secound theory is that the werewolf put the first heart at the second crime scene, then the second heart at the third crime scene and so on." Sam explains. "Well the your second theory would mean that it also isn't a werewolf because the werewolf would've eaten the heart" I say. "Well maybe then is it some kind of ritualistic killing" Sam says. "Or its a fake heart so that we don't think its a werewolf" he adds. Just then I hear a "dean" look over and see Elizabeth looking at me. I walk over any say "how are you doing kid". "Everything hurts" she says. "go get a nurse" I tell Sam. "Why am I here" she asks. "You got hit by a car" I say. "Dean" she says. "Yea kid" I respond. "You don't have to take care of me if you don't want to, I know you don't want me" she says saddly. "You can just walk away and forget I exist" she says. "I would never do that" I say. Sam walked in and says "I got a nurse" the nurse walks in and asks some standard questions like how are you, does your head hurt, are you hungry. While the nurse was asking her questions I kept thinking about the she would ask me questions like that or say something like that. The nurse pulls me aside and tells me that everything is fine and she just needs time to recover and that she is Elizabeths head nurse so no one else should feed her or give her medicine. "I walk back into the room and by then both Sam and Elizabeth had fallen asleep for the night so I joined them.

This time I am wake up to a new nurse putting a yellow liquid into Elizabeths IV. "What is that" I ask. "Just morphine" she replies. "Morphine isn't yellow" I say. She looks at me with black eyes before trying to run away. Lucky Sam heard the conversation and stopped her. He quickly exercised the demon while I ripped the IV out of Elizabeths arm. The nurses run in because her heart monitor was triggered. They stabilize her and tell me that she can leave tomorrow.

The next day comes and Elizabeth is finally released. "Make sure she follows this diet, drinks lots of water and gets lots of sleep." The nurse says as she hands me a folder with a diet plan for the next week. "She will experience migraines just have her take two of these pills a day until they are gone and that should prevent them from happening." The nurse says as she hands me small blue pills. "Thank you" I say as she starts to walk away. I make sure Elizabeth is safely loaded into the backseat of the car and slowly drive back to the motel. "You are going to stay in our room for now on" I say and I open our room door. "You can have my bed" Sam says. "Thank you" she says, gets onto the bed and proceeds to fall asleep. "We will have shifts, she is never alone until we know she can handle herself " I say. "I agree" Sam says. "Well let's finish this case so we can get the heck out of this town" Sam says, and I agreed.

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