Chapter 35:Continuing the plan

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Elizabeth P.O.V
I wake up the next morning before sunrise and unpack then take a quick shower, let my hair air dry and just throw on a pair of jeans and a shirt. By the time I am ready sam and dean are both awake.
"So how was the trip" dean asks me as he brushes his teeth. "It was actually really nice" I say as I pet Olivia who is now sitting in my lap. "I'm glad to hear that" dean says. "And I hope you two took a break because we all needed one" I say to both Sam and Dean. "We actually did for a day then went back to work" sam says. "At least you had a small break" I say "but now we must get back to business". Sam turns on his laptop and continues to do research, dean sat along with him while they discussed different things about my moms case. I just turn on my TV and get on my phone and text Lance.

Lance: Good morning Beautiful, how did you sleep?
Me: I actually slept all night, so what are you doing?
Lance: I am just looking for a case to work on
Me: okay, well if you find one be safe
Lance: Of course

After a couple of hours we all start to get pretty hungry so we take a break and decide to go to a diner to get breakfast even though it was closer to the afternoon. We arrive at a diner and the waitress takes our drink orders. Me, Sam, and Dean all order coffee. "What did you and Lance do on your trip" Dean asks. "Nothing much, we spent most of our time at the lake but we also went out to eat" I replied. "So no funny business happened right" dean said sternly. "Of course not" I said annoyed. "Are you sure" Sam said. "Guys nothing happened, and even if anything did happen between me and him I would never tell you guys because that's weird" I told them. They both gave me weird looks then we continued talking about the trip.

After a few minutes the waitress comes and takes our order. "I will have the Monday slammer special" Dean says. "I will have the bacon and egg combo" Sam says, "and I will have pancakes" I say. "No problem, I will have it right out for you guys" the waitress says.

"So guys, have you though any further about me plan" I asked (the one where she pretends she never escaped from the demons). "I just don't feel comfortable with that plan" Dean says. "Especially since we don't really know what they want or what they have going on in that house" Sam says. "But what if we invite Cas, he can help us out" I add. "We will call him and see what he thinks" Dean says, then our food comes out.

After we finish eating Dean left a couple of twenty's on the table then we left. On our way back to the motel I brought up the carving we saw in the rental car. "Do you guys think the same demons that kidnapped me are the ones that carved the writing into the rental car" I ask. "I honestly have no idea" Sam and Dean both say. "I mean they have to be considering they wanted to know more information on you guys, they probably have the papers that my mom wrote about you guys" I say. "Probably but we have no way of knowing for sure, I just hope they are so we can get rid of them once and for all" I say.

We finally reach the Motel, we go inside and all do our own thing. I get onto my laptop and turn on the TV, Sam gets onto his laptop to continue to do research, and Dean steps outside to make a phone call that I assume is to Castiel.

"So I talked to Cas and he thinks it would be safe is we all looked around the area of the building to get a feel of the environment before we even consider the plan so he is on his way now" Dean says, "but what if the demons catch you guys" I ask. " well then either way we will be able to get rid of them" Dean says. "When will Cas be here" Sam asks. "In the next few hours" Dean says before laying down on the bed. "Wake me up when he gets here" Dean continues. After about 30 minutes of doing research I feel my eyes start to get heavy and before I know it I fall asleep on the couch.

I wake up a few hours later laying on the bed. I look around and see Sam, Dean, and Cas sitting at the table talking. "Look who's finally awake" Sam says. "I moved you from the couch to the bed because you looked uncomfortable and I didn't want you to hurt your neck" he continues. I say hello to Cas before I get up and go the the restroom. I wash my face then walk out to where the guys where sitting.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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