Chapter 32: The Plan

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Dean P.O.V
"Absolutely not" I say. "Come on, you guys will be there" Elizabeth says. "No, it's still too risky" I say to her. "Well let's get Sams opinion" Elizabeth says. We walk inside the motel "Sam we need you opinion on a plan that I have" Elizabeth says. "A plan for what" he asks. "For us to kill the demons that held Elizabeth captive" I say. "Ok, what is it". "Hear me out, I show you guys the way back to the house, I come out of the woods looking tired and mangled pretending I never escaped so they can take me back. But you guys can come in and kill them" I say. "That plan sounds like it has potential but it's too risky for you" he says. "Come on" she says. "It's really dangerous" Sam says. "Well you guys will be there" she says. "But if he knows magic we don't know what he is capable of" Sam adds. "I guess you kinda have a point there" she says. "Well what if we get more people involved" she asks. "What do you mean" Sam asks. "I mean get some people you know to help defeat the demons" she says. "We can call Cas" sam says. "It's still dangerous" I say. "Well you can't find the place without me going, I memorized it. Everyday while I was there all I could do was replay the moments before I was locked up which included the drive there. I made sure I memorized it." She said which made me proud but sad. "We need to think of a safer plan for you" I say to Elizabeth. "I will be fine, I can take care of myself" she says. "And look where that got you" I say to her. "It's not my fault I was tricked" she says. "I will think about your plan" I say. "Whatever" she says then walks back outside.

A few hours go by and she is still outside. I walk outside and tell her "hey, it's kinda late we should be going to bed". "It's cool, I will be inside in a few minutes". I walk back inside of the motel, I take a shower, brush my teeth and lay down on the couch. I try to wait for Elizabeth to come inside but I slowly drift away until I fall asleep.

Sam P.O.V
I wake up and see that Dean is still sleeping. It is 7:00 in the morning and I see that Elizabeth is not in her bed. I immediately get up and run outside, I see that she is still outside staring at the sun that has started rising. "Did you stay out here all night" I ask her. She turn and look at me and says "I guess I did" then turns her head back to the rising sun. "Come on, you need to go get some sleep" I say while helping her stand up. "I am fine" she says then walks back to the balcony. I walk inside and wake up Dean. I shake his shoulder and he sits up and points his gun at me. "Woah" I say. "Why did you wake me up" he asks. "I think Elizabeth is broken" I say. "What's wrong" he says and sits up. "I don't know how to explain it, she stayed outside all night and when I tried to help her back inside she refused" I explain. Dean walks to the door and walks outside and I follow him. "What's up" he asks. "Nothing" she says while not even moving her head. "Let's go inside" he says while he grabs her arm. "I'm fine out here" she says. "Come on kid, what's wrong" he says. "Nothing, I just like it out here" she says. Dean looks at me and shrugs. We both walk inside the motel room and look at each other. "What do you think is wrong with her" I ask. "Maybe some kind of PTSD" he says.

After a few minutes the sun had fully risen and Elizabeth walks inside. She walks straight to the bathroom and takes a shower. She walk out fully dressed in ripped jeans and a white shirt. She walks outside and just stands and stares back in the same spot. "Maybe we can call lance" Sam says. "What can he do that we can't" I ask Sam. "I don't know" he says.

Dean P.O.V

After a few hours I decided enough is enough. I walk outside and stand next to her, "What's wrong with you, and before you say nothing I know it's something." I say. She looks at me and says "well then I have nothing to say to you". "That's it" I say. I grab her, pick her up, and carry her inside the motel" I put her in the bed then turn and lock the door. "Now you are going to tell me what's wrong while sam goes and gets us food" I say then throw the car keys at Sam. He gets the message that I wanted to be alone with her and leaves.

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