Chapter 26:Drugged

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I open my eyes and it takes a second for my surroundings to register in my brain. It is light outside and I hear Sam and Dean listening to AC/DC.
"Well it's about time" dean says as he turns the music down. "Ha Ha Ha" i say in a sarcastic tone. "How far are we" i ask while putting my hair into a bun. "Only about 2 hours" Sam says. All of a sudden I get this nauseating feeling rush over me.

Dean P.O.V
I look into the back mirror and see Elizabeth look green. "Are you ok" I ask as I slow down. "Pull over" she says. "What" I ask confused. "Just pull over the car please" she says. "Ok" I say and slow the car down. Me and Sam look at each other with puzzled faces.
After I pull over Elizabeth immediately jumps out of the car. Me and Sam both get out and watch her. She runs to the trees by the road and just pukes. Luckily no cars were on the road. Sam runs and gets a bottle of water from the car and gives it to her. She stand up from her hunched state then goes right back to puking.
"I hate being a parent" I say and I walk up to her. "Are you ok" I ask. "I think so" she says. She rinses her mouth out with water then walks back to the car. "Are you ok now" Sam asks. "Hopefully" she says. I give her a bag just in case. We get back onto the road.
I look back and see her face, she looks miserable. I decide to stop at a gas station. Sam gets her a vitamin pill the helps with sickness. He also got her some medicine for the nausea. "You didn't have to do this" she says. "Yes we did now take the pills" I say. She takes them and Sam gets us coffee.
"Have you slept yet" I ask. "I did for 5 hours while dean drove, then I drove while we slept, then when I woke up he took the wheel again" San says. "Well that's good" Elizabeth says.

Elizabeth P.O.V
I decide to try to calm down because I still have a 1 and a half hour drive until we get to the bunker. After a good half hour I start feeling nauseous again. "Hey dean" I say. "You ok" he asks. "Do you mind stopping at the next gas station" I ask. "No problem" he says. We drive up to the gas station and immediately I jump out of the impala and make a straight run for the bathroom. I make it there just in time to puke in the toilet. With tears streaming down my face I can hear a faint knock on the door. "Are you ok" I can recognize that it's Sams voice. "It was the tea" I say. "What" he asks. "The tea at the diner, it tasted a little funny but I didn't pay any attention to it" I say then proceed to continue emptying my stomach.

After I rinse my face off and rinse my mouth out I walk out of the bathroom. I see Sam standing by the door. "Let's just go home" I say.

"What do you mean the tea tasted funny" dean asks. "It tasted bitter and has a weird tint and there was sugar crystals that weren't dissolved but I didn't pay much attention to it" I say. "So you think someone put something in your tea" dean asks with concern. "I hope not" I say.

After the most nauseating hour and a half of my life we finally make it back to the bunker. Dean parks the impala in the garage. I grab Olivia and head straight to my room. I lay down in my bed and I think Olivia knew I was sick because she went to my side immediately after I laid down. I end up falling asleep. I wake up 3 hours later to the worst stomach pains ever. I try not to scream because I don't mean to worry Sam and dean. It feels like someone is taking a knife and slowly peeling out my insides. I sit in my bed hoping it will go away, but it doesn't. The pain does get more tolerable. I open my laptop and search up types of roofies. Most of them I see are clear and tasteless, but there is one that catches my eye. It is a type of roofie that it bitter in taste, leave the liquid a slight green time and is made of clear crystals. I read the side effects and immediately go to Sam.
Side effects: nausea, vomiting, blurry vision, internal bleeding, loss of balance, organ failure, or even death.

Sam P.O.V

I am sitting in the library when Elizabeth come up to me with a panicked look on her face. "Are you ok" I ask. "Not really" she says with a strained voice" I can tell that she is sweating. "Follow me" she says.
She takes me to her room where I see on her laptop she has a medical page. On the page here is a type of roofie that has everything on it that she describes. I start to panic a little. "I'm going to go get dean" I say. "No, please don't do that, let him sleep he needs it" she says. "Ok" I say. "Let me look more into this" I say.

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