Chapter 33: Lance and Elizebeth (part 1)

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DISCLAIMER: these next 2 chapters are going to be about Elizabeth and Lance so if you don't like them then jut skip to the next chapter

Elizabeth P.O.V

"Go back to the car" dean says and I actually do for once because I wanted nothing to do with that car after reading that. I watch them examine the car, take pictures and walk back to the car. "You will be fine" dean says as he hops into the impala. He start it and starts driving back to the motel. As we are driving down a road that was just trees and nothing else I asked Dean to stop the car. "Why" he asked, "just do it please" I ask. He pulls over and I jump out of the car and start running. I made sure I texted dean that I just needed some space. I ran until my lungs burned and I finally stopped. I found a tree and sat against it.

After about 15 minutes I started walked back to the impala. When I came into view on Sam and Dean they both walked towards me. "What was that" Dean asked. "I just needed some air and I texted you before I ran" I say. "Well that still didn't help too much" dean said. We all walked back to the car and drive back to the motel. When we got back I realized that Lance texted me.

Lance: Hey baby, can I come pick you up
Elizabeth: sure
Lance: ok see you in about 30 minutes
Elizabeth: ok see you then

I walk over to dean and ask him if I could go out with lance and he says yes as long as I text him once every hour and carry pepper spray with me. Then I go to the bathroom. Loosely curl my hair, put on mascara then a pair of ripped light jeans and a black loose spaghetti strap tank top. Lance tells me that he was outside and then I told sam and dean goodbye and grab my wallet and room key. As I walk outside Dean runs up to me and gives me the pepper spray, tells me to be back by 10:00 and don't do any funny business and goes back into the motel. I see lance standing against his truck and when he sees me says "you look hot". "Shut up" I say then peck his cheek and get into his truck. "Well it's 12:00 so what are we doing" I ask. "You will see" he says. We start driving and he says that dean texted him threatening him if anything happened to me he would be dead which I expected. "Well we are gonna need some snacks" he says as he drives into a Kroger parking lot. "Ok" I say and we get out. We walk inside and get a cart and start walking around. "Let's have a picnic for lunch" I say. "Ok" lance says. We get bread, turkey meat, cheese, chips, fruit, and some sparkly water. "I'm gonna run to the bathroom" lance says and leaves me to pick a type of chip.

As I grab some cheddar lays a guy walks up to me and says "what a pretty girl like you doing alone". "Oh, I'm just getting some chips" I say trying to turn him away. "Well maybe I can help you eat those" he says. "I think I can manage" I say as I put the chips into the cart. "Well I can help you take those grocery's to your car" he says. "Well you would actually be taking them to my boyfriends car" I say. "Well maybe you and me can leave and go back to my place" he says. "I have a boyfriend, as I mentioned just now" I say. "So, that doesn't matter" he says. "Well he is actually is the store with me" I say. "He doesn't have to know" the guy says. "Sorry but no" I say then start walking away.

As I start walking away Lance comes up to me "I love cheddar lays" he says. "Yeah, anything else" I ask. "Nope, were good" he says then at check out I grab a pack of gum then we pay and bag our food. "Thank you" I say as we walk away. "I'm gonna get some coffee, want some" I say to lance as I point to the Starbucks. "Just get me an iced americano with cream and sugar" he says and walked to the truck with the groceries. I walk to the Starbucks and stand in the line. After a minute wait I can order. "What can I get for you today" the cashier asks me. "I will take one iced americano with cram and sugar, then one iced caramel macchiato. Both will be Grande" I say. "Your total will be 7.53$ she says then I pay. I go and wait for my drinks. While I'm waiting the same guy from the chip isle come up to me and starts talking to me. "I'm really not interested" I say to him. "Come on, I bet I'm better then him in many ways" he says. "Well unfortunately for you that does you no good in this situation" I say then luckily my drinks are ready. "It was nice meeting you but I am gonna go on a date with my boyfriend" I say then walk to his truck. "Who were you talking to" he asked. "That guy kept hitting on me but I didn't care because I have an amazing boyfriend I love very much" I say to lance. "Aww, love you too" he says. We both put in our seatbelts and he starts driving.

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