Chapter 15: Hunter House

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Dean P.O.V

"What do you mean she's gone" I ask Sam. "She's not in her room or her bathroom" he says. I get up and start walking around looking for her. I check the garage, the kitchen, all of the extra rooms and even the power room. "I can't find her anywhere" I say. "I'm going to call her" I tell Sam. I call her and it goes to voice mail. "Do you think she left the bunker" Sam says. "I hope not" I say. "What should we do" I ask Sam. "Maybe we should wait it out and see if she comes back" Sam says. "I will try" I say as I try calling her again.

Hours pass by and we still haven't heard anything from Elizabeth. "I'm gonna go driving around and look for her" I say. Right before I leave Castiel pops in and says "I have some information". "Don't have time right now Cas" I tell him. "It's about Elizabeth" he says. "Go on" I say. "everyone is still after her and they are starting to torture each other to find her,we are finding bodies of demons, vampires, werewolves, and angels that are being tortured and killed" Castiel explaines. My eyes open wide and I say " right now she is missing". "We need to find her before something else does". We get into the impala and start driving around. As we are down an abandon road with trees on all sides I see something black. I pull over and I look at it and see that it is Elizabeths. "This is hers" I say to Sam and Cas". "How do you know" Sam asked. Because one time she threw it at me" I say remembering back to when she just threw the jacket at me and ran away laughing. "We have to find her, she might be in these woods" I say and start walking.

Elizabeth P.O.V

I wake up and go make coffee and waffles. Sam and Dean won't wake up for a couple more hours so I will make them waffles when they wake up. After I eat I go back to my room and play with Olivia. I decide that I should go get some fresh air and go for a run. I throw on a black jacket over a blue shirt, some work out pants and go for a run. I think about telling Sam and Dean but I know they will freak out so I just decide to be home before they wake up. Right as I'm about to go to the bunker I get a call from Dean, I answer the phone. "Hi Dean, sorry I didn't tell you but I went on a run" I say. "Where are you" he asks. "I'm on elmer street" I say. "Ok, I will meet you there to pick you up, don't move". I stay where I'm standing until I see a car coming then stopping by me. Someone jumps out and grabs me, and puts something into my arm. He then starts pulling me into the woods and the last thing I do is untie the jacket from my waist so maybe Dean will see it.

I wake up in some abandon hunting house. "Hi doll" he says to me. "Who are you" I ask. "Don't you remember me, you got away last time but this time it is truly just you and me all alone in the woods, the things I am going to do to you out here" he says. Then it hits me, this is the demon from earlier. "What do you want" I ask. "You" he says and starts walking toward me. "Not exactly what I envisioned but I kinda like you being tied up" he say. He comes close to me and puts his hand on my thigh. Luckily his phone starts to ring and he stands up and answers it. "What do you want" he asks in a angry tone. "Yes, I have her" he says. "Ok, see you soon" he says. "Looks like you caught a break, I'm gonna be back and when I do we will have a audience, don't go anywhere" he said as he walked out of the door and locked it. I start thinking of ways I could get myself out of this situation. I look across the room and see some broke glass. I luckily can reach it with my foot. I maneuver it into my hand and cut myself free. My hand still hurts like hell but I zone it out. I open a drawer and find my phone, I turn it on and see that I have no reception. I sneek out of the window trying to be as quiet as I can. I start sprinting into the woods when I hear the voices of the demons. I run until I find reception. I call Dean and it only rings for 3 seconds before he picks up the phone. "Elizabeth" he asks. "Hey dean, long story I can talk for long because the demon is after me". I can hear the panic in his voice as he asked me where I was. "I don't know, some forest. I dropped my jacket before I was drug into the woods." I said. "We found it and were going into the forest". Dean says but Before I could say anything I was grabbed by the waist. I screamed "get off of me". I see another demon pick up the phone. "Well if it isn't Dean Winchester" I could hear Dean say something but I didn't hear what he said. "Well it was nice talking but I'm gonna go take your daughter and humiliate her, don't worry I will send pictures" the demon look at me and said "any last words to your father" as he put the phone to me ear. "I love you dad" I say. "I will find you and I will save you, be safe and stall as long as you can" the last thing I said was "I know, I can wait to go back to our hunter house that is neast" then the demon hung up the phone. I hope that Dean got the hint I gave him.
They drag me back to the hunter house. "Let's get this started" the demon says. I start stalling my saying "you should lite some candles, I think I saw some in the top drawer." The demon gets the candels and lites them. "We also need music, the louder the better" I say. "Why" the demon asks. "It gets me in the mood" I say. The demon then turns on the music loud. He starts to take off his clothes and then i say "we should start off slow". Then one of the demons cuts in and says "it will last longer". So the main demon starts kissing me. In the corner of my eye I can see Sam. The demon takes off his shirt and starts to take off mine when Sam and Dean burst in. The demon puts a needle in my arm injects me witb something and everything goes black.

Dean P.O.V

After my phone hangs up I realize what she said. "She is in a hunting cabin in the north east." I say. "How do you know" Sam asks. "She told me “I know, I can wait to go back to our hunter house that is neast” and me and her were debating if you should say north east or neast. We start going in the northeast direction when I hear music playing. "She knew we would be able to hear the music" Sam said. As we get closer we see a small hunters cabin. When I look inside I can see the demon on top of Elizabeth and all it does is fill me up with rage. Me and Sam bust into the cabin to see the demon injecting something into her vains. Sam and Castiel starts to kill all of the other demons while I go after the main one. We start fighting, I punch him and then he throws me across the room. We keep fighting until I finally corner him. The demon says"Your daughter is a whore, she wanted this" then I stab and kill him. After all of the demons are dead I run over to Elizabeth and untie her hands. I check her pulse and she is still alive. I pick her up and as I walk out of the cabin I knock over a candle which burns the place down. I gently set her down in the back of the car and start driving back to the bunker. Once we get there I go put her on the couch that's in the library and throw a blanket on her. "I'm not letting her out of my sight until she wakes up" I tell Sam. I check her pulse every 5 minutes. As I am looking for a case I can hear her move behind me. I turn around to see her sitting up. "Hey kiddo" I say as I sit down next to her. "How are you feeling" I ask. "My hand hurts like hell" She says. "We need to clean it out later" I say. "What time is it" she asked. "It is 4:00 In the afternoon" I say. "I'm sorry" she says to me. "For what" I ask. "I went on a run, your number called me and told me that you were picking me up. The voice sounded exactly like you, then the demon dragged me into the woods." "That is not your fault" I say. "And anyways if it wasn't for your quick thinking we would've never found you as quick as we did". "So your not disappointed" She says. "No, I'm proud of you" I say and we hug. "I love you dad" she says. "I know" I say as I hug her back.
"What do you want for dinner" I ask her. "You choose, I'm not that hungry anyways" she says. I decided to get Chinese because I know Elizabeth loves Chinese food. I have Sam go out and get the food while I stay at the bunker with Elizabeth. After we talked Elizabeth went to her room and took a shower. All I could think about is how bad I felt for her and how that demon got my phone number. I hope that she doesn't go back through that depression stage again I tell myself. After 30 minutes Sam comes back with the Chinese food. I grab Elizabeth's food and take it to her room. I knock on the door then walk in. I see her sitting on her bed playing with her cat. "I got Chinese" I say. She looks at me and says "thank you" then grabs it. "How's your kitten" I ask. "I named her Olivia based on Olivia Benson from law and order" she says. I can tell that she's getting back into her depressed moods so the only thing I can think to do is throw a pillow at her. "What was that for" she asked. "I don't know" I say. Then she throws it back at me and that just turned into us throwing pillow all of the room. Sam walks in and asks "what's happening" then Elizabeth throws a pillow at his face then Sam returns the favor. We all just throw pillow at each other for a good 10 minutes. After we stop we all just start at each other heavily breathing. Elizabeth just starts laughing and we soon join in. "I'm glad you guys are in my life" Elizabeth says. "Me too kiddo" I say then walk out.

I walk to her room and see that she did eat her food which made me happy. She was also asleep with Olivia and at that moment I wasn't upset that Sam got her a cat. I walk out of her room and throw the Chinese containers away. "I hope she doesn't take tomorrow's news too bad" Sam says. "I hope not" I say.

----------------------------------------------------Hey guys, I just wanted to tell you a few things. I did actually name Elizabeths cat after my own cat. I also just wanted to tell you that it seems like I update the most on the weekend because I have time to sit down and write a chapter. Also this chapter was very intense and I hope that those kind of scenes aren't too bad for people.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter and talk to you next time ❤❤ Bye 😊

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