Chapter 10: He Got Away

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Dean P.O.V

After hearing the gun fire I run as fast as I can to Elizabeth. I see the impala in my view which gives me hope because it only took about 20 seconds for me to get to the impala. Me and Sam get to the car, look inside and see Elizabeth gone. I walk around the car where I can see a window was smashed and a door was open to get to Elizabeth. The window had blood around it and what scared me the most was the shard of glass that looked like it was used to stab someone. I look on the ground and see the gun I gave her and ripped parts of Elizabeths shirt. I call out her name and no response. "Damn it" I curse. "Where would it have taken her" Sam asks. "Probably into those woods and then back to Crowley" I say as I pointed to the woods and envision the torture Elizabeth will endure once she is with Crowley. Me and Sam both stand there by the impala just examining the scene. Just before I was about to say something I hear a feminine voice scream "Help", "Sam...Dean Help". "Elizabeth" I scream back. Me and Sam both go into high alert. I can hear rustling in the bushes. Everything goes quiet and I get concerned.

Next thing I see is Elizabeth hobble running out of the bushes towards me. I start running towards her when the demon runs out of the woods. I get to Elizabeth before the demon can. Sam runs toward the demon and start chasing it. He comes back and tells me "it got away". "Are you ok" I ask Elizabeth. "I don't know" she says. I look at her and see that she has cuts all over her from the glass. Her shirt is ripped in many places and she has a deep cut on her arm and I can see blood dripping down her thigh. "I feel kinda funny" she says as her eyes close and she falls to the ground.

I make sure to grab her head right before it hits the ground. "SAM" I yell as he runs toward me. "What happened" he asks. "I asked her if she was on then she just fainted" I said. With closer inspection I can see that Elizabeths are will probably need stitches and her thigh has a stick stuck in it. I take off my jacket and gently put it under her head on it. "What should we do" I ask Sam. "We should wait for her to come to, and get the stick out of her leg" he says as getting a pair of pliers from the trunk. He sits next the me and get a ready to pull the stick. "3,2,1" he says then pulls the stick out of her leg. She doesn't move which scares me until I see her open her eyes.

Elizabeth P.O.V

(15 minutes earlier)
I watch as Sam and Dean walk away. I decide to put my headphones in and start listening to music. I start nodding out and slowly fall asleep. I wake up to glass cutting into my skin. I rip the headphones out of ears and try to get to the other side of the impala. A demon rips the door open and grabs my leg. I kick it in the face and try to get away but fail. It pulls me out of the car and throws me on the floor which just loges glass further into my back. I am glad that it didn't pull the boot off of my foot. The demon stabs me in the thigh with a sharp stick and leaves it there then whispers to me "so you can run away from me" he stands me up and starts to try to take my shirt off. "Help me" I scream as loud as I can. The demon stabs me in the arm with a large shard of glass then whispers "you will be mine and your dad can't save you now" then starts to drag me away. I scream one last time " Sam....Dean Help me" before the demon puts its filthy hand over my mouth. It drags me into the nearby trees as I hear Dean and Sam calling my name. "Shut up bitch" it says to me. The demon pushes me up against a tree and says "finally alone" it starts to kiss me on the neck and I just freeze. I realize what's going on and I remember that Dean gave me an emergency knife. I stab the demon then start wobbly running towards where Sam and Dean are standing. Lucky the boot helps me be able to run. I can hear the demon close behind me so I throw a stick down which trips the demon. That gave me the last boost of energy I needed.

I ran out of the trees to see Dean and Sam standing there. I run towards Dean because I can hear the demon behind me. Dean runs and gets to me before the demon can and Sam runs after the demon. I start to feel really dizzy. "Are you ok" Dean asks me as he steps closer to me. "I don't know" I respond which I truly don't know, I just feel numb. I tell him the truth which is "I feel funny". Then everything starts to spin and the world goes black.

I wake up to a shooting pain in my leg. I open my eyes to see that I am lying on the ground with Sam and Dean both looking at me. I slowly sit up and I ask "what happened". "Well you fainted and I pulled a stick out of your leg" Sam says. I look at my self and all I see is blood. My arm is cut open and I have many bloody cuts around me and you can see my bra because of where the demon ripped my shirt. Sam and Dean help me stand up because I am still wobbly, and the boot doesn't help. Dean gives me his flanned so I can cover myself up. We get into the car and Dean asks me "do you want to stay another night". I reply by saying "I am ready to get out of this town as fast as I can". "Say no more" Dean says as we start to speed away.

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