Captain Canary Reborn

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It had been six months, since the events at the vanishing point and the Legends had pretty much given up all hope that Leonard Snart was ever coming back from the dead. Sure, Oliver Queen had survived for five years on an uncharted island. (Well mostly on an uncharted island anyway.) And Barry Allen had been struck by lightning and lived to tell about it...But not everyone was so lucky.

Some people just remained dead. Some people never got a second chance at life. And the Legends were learning to deal with that. They were coping. Besides, he had died saving them and the future. They'd killed Savage. It wasn't like Snart had died in vane.

After that awkward Legion of Doom phase with a past version of Leonard and a visit from the homosexual version of Snart - from Earth X - the Legends had finally gotten to a place in which they could move on. (And subsequently start to mourn the loss of Martin Stein. Damn it why did everyone have to die!?)

Which was precisely why, when they got the call from Star Labs, everyone on the Waverider -omitting the newest of the newbies - simultaneously groaned very loudly.

Gideon had pulled up an image of Barry Allen onto the monitors. The message he gave them was rather vexing.

"Snart's back," he told them.

"Which Earth is he from this time?" Sara sighed.

"He's not from another Earth," Barry said.

"Okay, then which time line was he pulled out of?" Ray wondered.

"He wasn't pulled out of any time line," Barry said. "Guys, Leonard Snart is back from the dead."

"Are you sure about that?" Sara asked. "It could be a shape shifting alien from Earth 38."

"Or a shape shifting meta human," Mick added, not really paying attention to the conversation.

"Or a demon," Constantine said, trying to fit in, even though he had no idea what any of them were talking about.

"....Or a demon," Sara nodded in agreement.

"No, no, no," Barry said, sounding a little frustrated. "Guys. Listen. It's not a demon. It's not a meta. It's not an alien. It's Leo, and it's not him from another other dimension or time line. It's the same Leonard Snart from six months ago, who blew up that time thinga majig."

"The oculus," Ray said.

Barry nodded. "Yeah. That."

Sara sighed again. "Fine! Gideon, plot a course!"

Minutes later, the Legends were landing in front of Star Labs, their ship cloaking itself so no random passersby could see.

The first thing the time traveling heroes seen, when they walked into the cortex was a familiar man wearing a blue parka.

"Leonard?" Mick said, recognizing his old friend. He couldn't really believe it was the real him. No time traveling tricks. No frauds from other dimensions....just Leonard Snart. He could tell by the way he stood, the very look in his eyes.

"Hello, Mick," Leonard greeted his life long friend.

"How..." Sara started, her voice trailing off. She shook her head in disbelief. "You were dead."

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