Random Observation

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I swear on everything that matters to me, I will get back to actually finishing these one shots someday...but first. I just noticed something. Correct me if I'm just a confused idiot, but I think the cw writers screwed up some where.

In season three of Flash, Barry goes back in time to get Leonard's help in the episode Infantino Street. He finds him in 1892 Siberia.

But in Legends of Tomorrow that's not when the Legends go to Siberia. They go in 1986 in the episode White Knights. Which is...not even remotely close. The two shows don't line up at all.

Also, at some point in Infantino Street, King Shark's hand is cut off when the door crushes it. Len says, "Ouch, been there." But, if Barry is running back to the events of the White Knights episode, this is not accurate. Len doesn't lose his hand, until he freezes it off, after being captured by Chronos in the LoT episode Left Behind. Which is five episodes after White Knights, making it impossible for him to have "been there." It hasn't happened yet.

Unless of course the Legends went back to Siberia at some point after White Knights, before the LoT episode in which Len dies. And the writers just, like, forgot to tell us? Either way, I think someone fucked something up...

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