Atom Wave Valentine's Day 2019

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Mick had never really liked all the cheesy mushy cushy stuff that came with Valentine’s Day. He had a hard time expressing any emotion that didn’t involve anger somehow. But that was fine. Ray was learning to accept that. Sometimes relationships needed compromise, and for the two of them that meant nothing too cheesy or romancy on Valentine’s Day. No matter how badly Ray wanted to, he wouldn’t push the subject. He didn’t want Mick to have to suffer through something he’d hate just to make him happy. Besides, just being with him was enough wasn’t it?

Mick and Ray had only been together a few months, but Ray was already starting to develop stronger feelings for the other man, feelings that were much more intense than a mere infatuation. (He was pretty sure it was love, because it was the same feeling he got with Anna before she was killed.) They’d parted from the Legends for a while, to explore their relationship. They had an apartment on the outskirts of Central City. (Ray was always shocked at how much nicer Central was than Star City.)

Not much of anything really big or exciting had happened since they left the Waverider. (At least nothing as exciting as the Legends' standards. There were a few rough meta humans every now and again, but the Flash and friends took care of them.) So, they got a relatively peaceful life – sleeping together (not in the kinky way, but there was a lot of that too), going out to places as a couple, watching movies, etc, etc.

Sometimes Ray would catch himself about to make some grand romantic gesture (or even just a small one like bringing Mick home a bouquet of flowers) before reminding himself that Mick just wasn’t in to that stuff. But that was fine.

With Valentine’s Day approaching fast, Ray was stuck for ideas. He knew Mick probably wouldn’t want to do anything. (Unless it involved alcohol.) But it was a holiday, so of course they had to do something for it, even if it was just something small. They didn’t need flowers or big heart shaped cards. They could just enjoy each others company… The only problem was that Ray couldn’t think of anything small enough. All his ideas had some big, romantic scheme; and he could not for the life of him tone it down.

He couldn’t help it. Valentine’s Day did it to him every time. He loved all the corny love poems and stupid love letters. They were cute, and even if you weren’t completely swooned by them you could at least get a few cheap laughs from it all. But Mick didn’t want all of that, and Ray wasn’t going to force it on him. And that was fine.

On the night before Valentine’s Day, Ray decided to give up on his plans to find something small and sweet enough for the both of them. They’d just go about their day like normal and that would be perfectly fine… But then he noticed Mick acting sort of strange. He started fidgeting whenever Ray walked into the room, hanging up calls whenever Ray might over hear. It was extremely odd, but Ray decided not to ask him about it. Sometimes Mick was strange and that was okay. (Besides, it wasn’t like he really had any real reason to worry, right?)

The next date Nate showed up out of the blue, banging on the door and startled Mick and Ray awake. (Ray knew he'd been busy working with the Time Bureau. So, he visited more often than the other Legends, but he hadn’t been expecting him that day )  When Ray answered the door he frowned curiously at his best friend, bouncing on the balls of his feet like an ecstatic child. He was grinning from ear to ear, and Ray thought he might have been missing something.

“Hey, buddy!” Nate said in a voice that was way too chipper for nine in the morning. “Pal! Chum! Friend!”

“Uh, hi?” Ray replied, wondering what had him in such a good mood. What was with the random visit? Normally, he would call before dropping by.

“Okay! Good. You’re up. Let’s go!” Nate grinned.

“Go where?” Ray asked, still not entirely sure of what was happening. He glanced back at Mick, as he got his morning beer from the fridge and sat on the couch. He shrugged, like he was just as clueless as Ray was.

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