Chapter 6: I Hate Him

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"I hate you!" I screamed. I'm tired of him and his bipolar ways.

Once we left the movies he accused me of flirting with Khi. Khi only offered to help me down the stairs. Something that wasn't even on Liam's mind.

"You hate me!? I don't even know how I even got caught up with a stupid bitch like you!" He yelled and threw one of his golf balls right at my head. Luckily I ducked causing it to smash and hit our crystal vase.

I quickly ran upstairs and ran into the first room I saw. It was the hallway bathroom.

"Open the fucking door!" He yelled while pulling the door roughly. The hinges were coming loose on the door. I was terrified and there was nowhere else to run.

I punched the bathroom mirror causing my fist to bleed. I threw my head back in agonizing pain.

"Genesis!" He yelled.

"Stop it, Liam!" I cried out. He continued banging on the door.

I looked at the shattered glass sitting in the sink and grabbed the sharpest piece I could find.

"I don't want to hurt you, Gen." He said so calmly.

I was prepared for him to kick the loose door in and stab him like my life depended on it. I crawled into the tub and sheltered myself away from the door with the glass.

"I'm coming in!" He said as he kicked the door in causing it to hit the wall. He stopped once he saw me in the tub crying while holding the glass in his direction.

"Stay away." I spoke while shaking. I couldn't keep the knife steady as he moved closer.

"You gone hurt me, Pretty Genie?" He asked. He hasn't called me that name in years. That's what he called me when we first met. He knew it always made me feel good.

"Stop walking!" I screamed. He stopped in his tracks right in front of the bathroom mat.

"Are you seeing this guy?" He asked me so calmly.

"Are you seeing any of those fucking women I see you flirting with on Instagram?! Or what about those whores you work with! Oh and the cheap bitches that work at those trashy strip clubs!" I've never been this bold towards him.

"Look, just come out the tub and let's talk like two adults." He said.

He must think I'm a fool. The last time I fell for that he sent me to the hospital. What makes this time different?

"Why do you keep hurting me, Liam?" I cried.

"I don't have time for this Gen. now get out the fucking tub and put the glass down." He ordered. I shook me head causing him to run his hands through his hair in frustration.

"Fine. I'm going to the office for a shoot. Don't wait up for me." He said before walking out. Minutes passed until I heard the front door open and close. I could hear his car leaving the driveway. That's when I knew it was safe.

I quickly got in my car and went to the apartment that I remembered. I knocked softly and Khi opened the door showing nothing but his six pack and his dick print through his boxers.

"You do know it's 11:00 at night, girl?" He smirked. He licked his lips and leaned in the door way.

"Can I stay here for a minute?" I asked. He looked down at my bleeding hand and pulled me in. He sat me on the couch and went to get a wet towel.

"When are you going to learn?" He asked a question my mom always asked.

Speaking of mom, I wonder what she called me for. Probably to see if I was dead yet.

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