UFT 14- Jealous.

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Erza's POV

Jellal and Eric are gonna visit Milianna at Fairy Hills but i stayed home cause Jellal wants me to rest. Im gonna make some cake for them. I wonder how Kagura is? Hmm... I wanna pay a visit to her next time. She even visited me while I was pregnant. She and Jellal are pretty close, like bestgriends, siblings, couple, married. Wait what?!?! Erase. Erase. -_- Jellal would never do that.

I admit Kagura is very pretty. She's strong, fierce and good-looking. Hmm.... Why am i thinking about this anyway. I sense something wrong.

Jellal's POV

Jeric is having so much fun with Kagura. Yes with Kagura because Milianna went on a mission, Im also having fun. Me and Kagura are like best of friends but she almost killed me after Grand Magic Grames. Sometimes I come with her at missions. Don't tell Erza! She's going to kill me! Why? It's because she asks me out to go to missions but I don't come. Just don't tell her. This is the first time Jeric met Kagura, cause the last time Kagura visted was, Jeric was still in Erza's womb.

"Jeric let's go home now, your mama called me already." Me. Well she made some cake so I'm happy. hehehehe.

"Mama Kagura will you come with us?" Jeric. He calls him mama since he said that she's like Erza but Kagura is more friendly.

"Sure! Cause I wanna meet your mama again." Kagura.

"YEHEY!! ^_^" Jeric.

We went to the train station and went back to Mongolia. I have to admit Kagura is pretty and strong like Erza but more serious. She barely smiles.

"Hey Erza!!" Kagura.

Erza's POV

I heard someone called me. That voice is familliar. Its Kagura! O.O What is she doing here. We talked and talked and I knew that Jeric calls him mama, it hurts. Then I KNEW that MY HUSBAND goes to missions with Kagura and doesen't want to go to missions with HER OWN WIFE.

--next10 days--

Jeric cant stop blabbing about Kagura. Jellal is also like him! I also knew what Jeric said that Kagura is a more fun mama than me. It hurts like hell. They didnt even know that it's my birthday tomorrow. since its my birthday tomorrow, Im gonna go to a resort island to take a break from them. Jellal doesen't know about this. Im gonna go with Wendy since she insisted to come, so that I wont be a loner. Were gonna stay on that island for a week. Im gonna have alot of fun.

Jellal's POV

I never saw Erza this day, Jeric was looking for her the whole day cause Jeric wanted to show her a new sword that we bought a while ago. Erza go home now! Jeric wont sleep nor eat neither. I went to the guild awhile ago they said they didnt. I just told Jeric that she was on a mission. At least he understands. Hmm... What's important about tomorrow again?




It's Erza's birthday....

It's her BIRTHDAY?!?!?! But why is she feeling down? I'll just surprise her tomorrow maybe she'll feel better. Oh Charles here.

"Oh hi charles. Wanna come in?" I greeted her.

"No thanks. I just wanna ask if you know when will Erza and Wendy come back from their break." Charles.

"I dont really know, I didnt even know about that. Where did they go?" Me.

"oh. Wendy said they're to an island but I dont what island it was." Charles.

"Thanks Charles." Then she walked to her house nearby.

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