Surprise Interview

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Author: Hi minna~ We're gonna have a surprise interview! The characters picked the one who'll be interviewed, so i don't know who it is.

Natsu: You will be surprise.

Lucy: It's

All of them: YOU!!! ^_^

Author: ●O●! This is really surprising.

Erza: Well you made this story and we dont know anything much about you. So it's our turn to know you.

Author: Okay?

Mirajane: What's top 5 favorite ships in fairy tail.?

Author: MiraXus. JerZa. GruVia. GaLe and NaLu. Isn't it obvious.?

Mirajane: Your friends told me to ask you. Next question, Laxus it's your turn.

Laxus: Okay, what country are you from?

Author: From a country that politics are corrupt. A country where politics steal people's money from taxes. A where typhoons love to visit. It's Philippines.

Lucy: Ohh! You hate politics that are corrupt?

Author: who doesen't?!

Lucy: Chill. What do you hate the most?

Author: I hate boys who stalk me. And boys who talk to me just to let me notice them. And I hate Valentines alot.

Natsu: What's wrong with Valentines? You're a loner?! XD

Author: Yes I'm  a loner. Last Febuary, I just received 15 letters. 10 different kind of flowers and 3 teddybears. So yeah, Im a loner.

Natsu: *keeps quiet*


Juvia: Next question, why do boys like you alot.?

Author: I dont know. When my friends ask them why, they all say PRETTY. Then I'm like, "so? You're jealous that I have good-looking face and you dont? Oh come on, are you gay?"

Natsu and Gray: *Bursts out of laughing.*

Laxus: What's the hardest thing for you to do?

Author: I dont know how to act mean. I always get the good part. But my friends say Im so brutal that I gave them wounds because of my pinches. ^_^ That's what you call magic of friendship.

Laxus: you are so brutal. Next question is, what is your favorite games?

Author: I love Dota 1 and 2, FIFA, NBA 2k, Counter Strike, Cross Fire, Slender Man, Minecraft, Super Mario, UFC, Harvest Moon and God of War.

Jellal: Are you sure you're a girl?

Author: Yes.

Jellal: I dont believe you. -_____-

Erza: Dont mind him, next question. What sports do you play?

Author: I play Volleyball, Football, Basketball, Tennis, Long Jump, Running and Archery.

Jellal: Okay, that's it! You're a boy! You're just wearing fake boobs and a stupid wig.

Author; o.O?! The hell?

Erza: Shut up Jellal! Okay, you mentioned youre top 5? How do you maintain your grades?

Author: Well the truth is, I dont study. I'm not joking. My bestfriends told me I have a storage room at my brain and that helps me know what the exact answer at a certain question is.

Erza: Wow. You are awesome! ^_^ What's the subject you hate the most? and what do you think about Math, Science, English and History.

Author: I hate the subject, Mother Tongue! I hate it! It makes my nose bleed. I dont really hate Math, our math is very easy. Integers, exponents, Scientific form and standard form. Those are very basic at Math.

Science, is also nice for me, I like learning about Scientists and branches of Science.

English class! Easiest subject. We study about the same thing over and over again. All that's getting hard is the way our teachers give us tests. It sucks.

The last is History, in our school we call it Sibika. I like it very much, I like learning about histories and stuffs. Our topic right now is about, the different kinds of Filipinos in the Philippines!

Hey there Filipinos! Anong klaseng Pilipino kayo? Im an Ilonggo! ^_^

Laxus: 2nd to the Last question, in your group, or gang. What are you?

Author: Im the matchmaker. Im also the HitGirl of the group. Which means Im brutal and I save  my friends if they are in fights. Verbally or Physically Im ready to help.

Gajeel: Last question, what is your favorite basketball team and what is your fandom?

Author: I love the Golden States Warriors! They're really handsome and good at playing. I love Stephen Curry and I really wanna marry him but i couldnt because he has a wife and a 2 year-old daughter. So, yeah. I couldnt. -_- But Im not losing chance because Klay Thompson is still there.

My fandom is, Im a Directioner, a Mixer (Little Mix), Brat (Cher Lloyd), I also like 5SOS. Im also a Lovatic. (Demi Lovato.) And I love Chloë Grace Moretz, she so pretty and cool. I'm inlove with BumbleBee. That's all.

Natsu: Im on Jellal's side on you as a boy.

Author: For the millionth time! I. Am. A. Girl.

Gajeel: Im also at their side.

Gray: me too.

Laxus: Me three.

Mirajane: Well actuallay, Ms. Author. You're a mix of us all. ^_^

Lucy: That's why alot of boys like you and have a crush on you.

P.S. Hacked by Author's friends. HEHEHEHE! ♥

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