TSIOH 6- Radiant and Dire.

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Mirana's POV

Papa said there's a new member at Fairy Tail! And she has the same age as me! ^_^ Yipee! New friend. But she's only temporary cause she's gonna transfer Mermaid Heel then.

"Sis, I feel something weird coming from the north." Rylai.

"It's from the guild. It smells like sakura?" Mizumi.

"Maybe it's the new member! Come on!"

"Race?" Rylai.

"Me and Sagan are totally gonna win!" I said and they ran.

"Hey! That's not fair!" I was riding Sagan. We arrived at the guild first. I saw the new member. She's a girl

She was talking with Jeric and the others. I couldnt see her face because she was facing at Juliet who was leaning at Niall. I went near them.

"Oh, hi Mirana!" Jeric.

"Hello!" I told them.

"Meet our new member. She doesent want to tell us her name. She doesent even talk." He sweatdropped. She faced me, her eyes were yellow. Her mouth was covered by a black mask. She's like an assassin. My rival/friend at the other world was an assassin too. She has yellow eyes. She uses Sakura Magic. She's just like....... her?

"Lanaya?!?!" I shouted. The whole guild looked at me.

"Long time no see Mirana." She said. I dragged her out of the guild and everyone was staring at us.

"What are you doing here?!" I said.

"Auntie Rina (The Mirana in the other world) to come here." Lanaya.

"Why?" I asked her.

"To help you." She said.

"For what?!" I asked her.

"In 2 months there will be a war here between Dire and Radiant." Lanaya.

"Oh. Did Auntie Rina say anything else to you?" I asked her.

"Yep. To find Shendelzare." Lanaya.

"What?! She's also here?! Who's next? Traxex? Alleria?" I said.

"Traxex is joining Sabertooth." Lanaya.


"Alleria is at Mermaid Heel." She told me. Im dying!

"And most of all,  Mortred is at Lamia Scale." Lanaya. Mortred too?! Our whole team is here? What will happened to the other world then?

"It's okay Mirana. They're very strong there. No worries." Lanaya.

"Oh right, I remember you have a skill of reading people's mind. Auntie Lea (Lanaya from the other world) banned you from using that!" I told her.

"Okay. Okay. I'll stop." She was infront of the guild doors when she stopped.

"Oh, and the Jeric guy likes you." She said and went inside the guild. I blushed like crazy! What is going on with me?!

Inhale. Exhale.

I went inside the guild. Lanaya was drinking beer. She always drink. -_-

"Are you coming or not?" She asked me.

"To where?" I asked her.

"To find Shendelzare. We'll be out for just 2 days."

"We'll go tomorrow." I told her.

"Okay." She simply said. The guild was quiet and confused. They were staring at me.

"What?!" I told them and they made noise again.

This guild is so festive and weird that's why I love it in here. The guild doors opened. All I can see is 3 shadows. When they fully went inside the guild I can see 3 girls. They look familliar.

"Kagura?!" Auntie Erza.

"Millianna?!" Auntie Lucy.

"Alleria?!?!" Me and Lanaya.

"You know her Mirana?" Mama who wiping the glass.

"Hi Mirana. Hi Lanaya!" Alleria.

"What are you doing here?" Lanaya.

"Just gonna visit. When are you gonna transfer Mermaid Heel Lanaya?" Alleria.

"After we find Shendelzare." Lanaya told her.

"I smelled her scent last time. She's around the town." I said.

"So she's here at Magnolia then?" Alleria.

"She's not here. She knows that Mirana is here. So I think she just visited."

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Erza's POV

Kagura and I are talking about Alleria. She said that she came from the world where Mirana slept. She also told me that Mirana slept for 8 years, the other 3 years was for her training. Alleria was also an archer.

"A war?" I asked her.

"Yes, a war. But it's more like a game. It'll take all mages at the age of 11 to 18 and pick 20 of them by raffle." Kagura.

"What will happen then?" Jellal. I knew he was following us.

"They will divide it to 4. 5 members each. It'll be two wars then. Radiant versus Dire. They will erase every memory and replace it all to anger in the other team. They will kill each other. The more kills the more chances of winning. The team who have the lowest kills will be killed. As in really kill. No more life for them." Kagura explained.

"Really? All will join?" I asked her.

"No. For example Mirana. She cant because there is another Mirana is there too. Luna isnt gonna join too. I dont know who else are not gonna join." Kagura.

"I hope Jeric wont be picked." I said.

"Dont worry. He wont." Jellal said and kissed my forehead.

"Kagura?" me.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Who's the father of Kirara?" I asked her. Kirara is her 9-year old daughter. Kirara has blue eyes. Brown hair like her. She also is very playful and strong.

"Ahh... Ahh... We need to go! Bye!" She said and dragged Millianna and Alleria out of the guild running. She really doesent wanna talk about it.

"I wonder who's the father of Kirara?" Jellal asked.

"I wanna see Kirara again!" Erizza.

"We'll visit her next time." Jellal and messed up her hair.

"Stop messing her hair! I effort too much just to braid it!" I growled.

They laughed at me.

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10 votes again guys! ^_^ Next chapter will be throwback on how Gajeel and Levy got married. Hope you like it! ^_^

Unexpected & The Stars In Our Hearts [Book 1 & 2]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin