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"No, Cookie! Don't pee on mom's floor!" I yelled in a panic, picking her up and taking her over to her little peepad. Cookie peed on the pad while I went and got some toilet paper. I cleaned it up and Noah was chuckling as he sat on my moms bed.

I threw the toilet paper into the toilet and flushed it before leaving the bathroom. When I looked over at Cookie, I shrieked a little and grabbed her, putting her back on the pad. She'd been pooping on moms floor and when I picked her up, she kept pooping. Some of it just fell to the floor whereas some of it flew and hit the wall as I picked her up, spinning her around as I hurried over to the pad.

Noah was cackling on my moms bed by now, his whole body shaking with laughter as Cookie ran away from the pad with poop dropping out of her butt, leaving a trail as she ran under moms bed.

"Oh, god! She's probably pooping under the bed now." I sighed. "Stop laughing!" I snapped at Noah, who had tears running down his face and was shaking his head while waving his hands around. I quickly cleaned up the poop and Cookie came out from under the bed, sitting down and watching me closely as I ran around the room cleaning her poop.

"You missed some." Noah grinned and I frowned, looking around, "Where?" I asked. Noah pointed over to the wall, "Some hit the wall when you picked her up, but then it fell to the floor." He said. I spotted it and groaned, getting more toilet paper and picking up the poop. When I finished, I grabbed Cookie and ran down the stairs with her in one hand, Noah following behind me.

"You, ma'am, need to go outside." I scolded, opening the backdoor and setting her onto the porch. Cookie didn't go to the bathroom, instead she just followed Jack around for five minutes as he peed on the fence. She then plopped down in the middle of the backyard and began eating grass.

I sighed and went and picked her up, heading back inside with Noah trailing behind me. It was six in the morning on Thursday, so Noah was here to take me to school since he lived right down the street from me. I put Cookie in her cage and Jack in my room, since he peed everywhere when I leave the house. The only place he doesn't pee is in my room, instead he just lays around on my bed until I get home.

Noah and I drove to school and I walked behind him into the building, which was empty aside from a few teachers every once in awhile. "So, which is better- Walking Dead or Dexter? I know you watch both." Noah asks as I close the door. I pause, "What do you think?" I ask, cocking my head to the side.

Noah pauses, "Walking dead." He nods and I roll my eyes, "Of course you pick that. Dexter." I said, shaking my head. I walk with him down the steps into a seating area by the door we entered, "I like Walking Dead, but I've kinda fallen off watching it recently. I dunno, I like both but I just think that Dexter was better." I shrug and Noah scoffs.

"Why?" He frowns. I raise a brow, "Well, why do you think Walking Dead is better?" I retort, plopping into a seat. He frowns, "I haven't watched Dexter." He admits. I groan, "Then you can't put an opinion on which is better when you haven't even seen Dexter!" I exclaim. Noah rolls his eyes, "Sure I can. I just did." I smack the table and shake my head, "No! That's not fair, it literally doesn't make sense. Even if you had seen Dexter, Dexter is still better." I laugh.

"You're stupid." He huffs. I smacked his head lightly, "No, I'm being honest. You're stupid." I argue, glaring at him.

I feel a chair get pulled out beside me and I look up to see Reed, making confusion sprout over me. "Uhh.." I said awkwardly, "What are you..? What?" I frown. Reed glances at Noah, who is glaring at him rather intently, "We need to talk." He mutters to me. I purse my lips and smile apologetically at Noah, "Sorry. Just one second." I stand up, leaving my bag in the seat before following Reed as he marches up the stairs.

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