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A/N: Only like two more chapters after this btw

I glared at Reed, crossing my arms as I pushed farther up his bed to be farther away from him. "You don't have to be a dick." I snapped, rolling my eyes.

He just snickered, staring at me with a calculating look on his face. "What? I'm just saying." He shrugged, crossing his arms over his face. I rolled my eyes at his stupidity, slipping out of his bed. "You know what? Fuck you. I'm leaving." I snapped, glaring at him as I grabbed all of my things and started towards his bedroom door. "Wait! Wait, wait." He gasped, lightly grabbing my wrist to stop me from opening the door that I currently had a hand on. I glared at him as I yanked my hand out of his grip, rolling my eyes. "What could you possibly want from me?" I snapped, stepping away from him. Reed stared down at me, a look of surprise on his face. "What?" He blinked, frowning. I stared at him, irritation and anger bubbling up inside of me. I had had enough of his bullshit and of him treating me the way that he did. I hated it and I hated him.

"You're an asshole!" I exclaimed, narrowing my eyes. "You've been mean to me since the day I met you and you treat me like fucking garbage! You fucking told everyone that we had sex just so you could get girls and I-I am sick of it, Reed. What more could you possibly fucking want from me? You don't deserve to even be around me. You're a shithead." I declared confidently, glaring at him. Honestly, I expected him to be pissed. I expected that maybe he'd try to hurt me or something, but he didn't. He didn't even look mad.

He looked sad. Regretful.

I considered hitting him, showing him a piece of his own medicine just to really make myself feel better, but I didn't. I wasn't going to stoop to his level. I wasn't going to be like him. He was an asshole and although what I'd just said wasn't very nice, it was true. He deserved to be told that. What I had said to him was not even a fraction of how mean the things he said to me were, or as bad as the times I thought he was going to hurt me. He probably deserved a lot worse than what I'd said and I knew that, but I didn't care. I wasn't going to waste my energy on him anymore. I was sick of him and being treated like I was being treated. I deserved better.

"Leila, I..." He started to talk, but I turned around, pulling open his bedroom door and slamming it behind me as I left. I owed him nothing, much less my time or respect. He could fuck off. I hurried towards the front door, able to hear him racing after me. I yanked open the front door quickly, slamming it behind me and starting my way down the driveway. I texted Noah to come get me, knowing he lived closest, and glanced up when I heard Reed's front door open and shut. Was he really about to fucking chase after me? Did he not understand what I said?

I walked farther down the driveway, ignoring him as he called my name to try to get my attention. I heard him, but I didn't care. Why should I? I sighed deeply in relief when I spotted Noah's car coming down the road, coming nearer and nearer. I briefly glanced back, unable to resist the urge to look at Reed. I heard Noah pull his car up to the curb in front of me, the engine idling as he stepped out of the car and slammed his door shut. My gaze met Reed's, who now had the opposite expression on his face from the one he'd had earlier. He didn't look sad anymore, nor regretful. He looked pissed again, but not at me. He wasn't even looking at me. Instead, his angry gaze focused on Noah as he stood behind me, who just glared right back. They both hated each other, clearly. "Are you okay, Lei?" Noah asked hesitantly, his voice soft.

I turned towards him, casting my eyes down to the ground as I stepped around him and started towards his car. I didn't feel like talking at all right now, much less talking about how I was feeling. I was pissed, plain and simple.

I climbed into the passengers seat of Noah's car while he got back into the drivers seat, pulling on our seatbelts. For a second, I expected he'd leave, but we just sat there in the car in a silence that neither of us wanted to break. We both just waited for the other to do it, which I had a feeling he knew meant that he was going to have to be the one to say something, anything at all, if he wanted to. I didn't plan to say anything. I looked out the window, surprised that Reed was still stood in his driveway where I'd left him, his arms crossed angrily over his chest as he stared at Noah's car. He wasn't going inside or even moving. He looked like a statue. 

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