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He ran and ran for what felt like forever, darkness surrounding him, blood red eyes chasing him, there was no escape, he could hear the loud screams and evil laughter all around him, 'What is happening??' He thought as he never took his eyes of the darkness in front of him, there was nothing, just endless darkness and those terrifying glowing eyes, that got closer and closer and closer, trapping him in their intense gaze, telling him two words

"You're mine!"

"HYUNG!!" A loud voice shouted and Jin immediately opened his eyes, feeling sweat run down his forehead while his youngest brother, Jungkook dashed into the room, an angry pout visible on his face as he now was standing by his older brother's bedside.

Jin sat up slowly as he looked around, the clock on his bedside table read 2:23 pm he sighed as he looked back to his younger brother, it was clear to him that one of two scenarios had happen to make his youngest brother stomp into his room with that expression, number one was that his gaming console had disappeared or number two, something had broken.

"Hyung! the toaster broke again!" jungkook shouted and crossed his arms like five-year-old.

"I'll take a look, and tell Jimin to put the toaster away for now so no one gets hurt ok?" He said in a tired, yet stern voice and saw his youngest brother dash out of his room again. Jin laid back down on his bed with a tired groan, releasing heavy sighs, 'can I just sleep forever please?' he thought tiredly as he crawled out of bed to get ready for the day.

He lived in Seoul with his two younger brothers, Jimin and Jungkook. Jungkook was currently finishing off his last year at university and was to jin's hopeful mind, trying to find a job. Jimin worked as a dancer for a smaller company called bighit, he didn't get paid much but he did something he loved unlike Jin who worked night shifts at a local bar in Seoul, it had destroyed his social life to a point where the only friend he had left were his childhood friend Hoseok who worked for the same company as Jimin and had even helped Jimin get an employment there.

He got brought out from his little thought cloud as a loud thud was heard from downstairs, he sighed, knowing it was probably one of his brothers who broke something again. He made his way out of the bathroom and threw on some sweatpants and a t-shirt, as he made his way downstairs to the kitchen, he saw his younger brother Jimin cooking while Jungkook as usual, were nowhere to be seen.

"Morning or more like afternoon hyung" Jimin said and smiled as Jin sat down by the kitchen table

"Ugh! Why didn't you wake me up sooner? It's nearly 3pm now and my shift starts in 3 hours!" Jin groaned and rested his face in his hands.

"Well, you came home at 4am so of course we would let you sleep" Jimin said as he put down a bowl of food in front of Jin, signalling him to eat.


The few hours passed quickly and Jin was now on the train, on his way to work, as the winter season was in the air, the sun had already begun to set, meaning it was already going to be dark by the time he got there. He sighed once more as he listened to his surroundings in the train and accidentally overheard a conversation between an older couple, it was never something he meant to do, just something that happened out of boredom and no wifi.

"Have you heard of the bizarre disappearance of the young teens? It's horrible that you can't walk on the street without being scared anymore" A woman said in a worried tone.

"I heard they come in gangs, in the middle of the night, taking them when none else can see" the husband Said in a low voice.

Great! If the weird thought of his nightmare wasn't scaring him, this would, could he focus on his job now? That nightmare really bugged him since he couldn't really figure out what it meant, he had decided not to tell his brothers about that yet since he didn't know himself what to think of it. Luckily, nothing of it affected his job that much, his shift went on like normal and he ended up working overtime yet another evening. It didn't really bother him though as he knew overtime meant more money.

As the clock struck 2:30 am, Jin were finally on his way to the station, tired and slightly hungry, it felt good to be on his way home, nothing to bother him, just the quiet night of Seoul or so he thought. A suspicious feeling of being watched since he left the building krept up on Jin and with paranoia, he turned around to see a group of older men, possibly in their mid-40s, following him. He quickened his pace, trying get away and hoped that they would stop following him, but they didn't, they soon noticed he was trying to get away and thus, a chase had begun.

He ran and ran for what felt like forever, hearing the loud laughter behind him as he ran, fear consuming him at this point, what were to happen of they caught him? He didn't want to think of it as he kept running in the dark empty street.

"Please don't let this be the end, I have two brothers to take care of please don't let my life end here" he mumbled-begged under his breath as he kept running

Suddenly he got pulled out from the street and in the blink of an eye, he had been slammed against a wall, with a dark figure hovering over him. He was about to scream when the figure stepped closer, slamming one hand against the wall just beside Jin's head, hiding his face from anyone who would be walking by.

He looked up in fear and noticed the man standing only inches away from his face giving him a shh sign as the loud laughter's and screams of the men chasing him could be heard once again.

What now?


Ello readers!

Sorry if this Chapter was all over the place, it's been undergone some heavy editing so its been changing from time to time so it might not always been consistent to the other chapters

Anyway hope you enjoyed and i'll see ya in the next Chapter 😊

Yours tonight [NamJin]Where stories live. Discover now