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Ello readers! 😊

First off, this chapter is going to contain a lot of dialogue, this is mainly because it's going to be an informative chapter. If you feel like there are still some questions left unanswered at the end, don't worry, you'll get them answered later on.

Secondly, this will be the last chapter for Yours tonight of 2019, I will focus my december on my Christmas story that's coming out december 1st. But don't worry, i will be back with Yours tonight next year. Hope you all have an amazing christmas ❤️

Now, without further ado, please enjoy this chapter 💜


Silence, thats seemed to be the new thing for Jin now (ironically) as he sat there, on the large wide couch, thinking through what to ask. He had so many questions yet, he felt uncertain of which ones he should ask or if to ask any at all. After some time thinking, he took a breath and looked Namjoon in the eyes again, he could see a rollercoaster of emotions visible on Namjoons face, so taking things slowly was an option, he noted.

"What happened...once you and Suga left?" Jin asked with a cautious tone, not sure how much more Namjoon felt ready to let out about his pained past, considering he just spent the last hour revealing his past Jin, but he still felt it was a good starting point.

"We took shelter at one of Suga's relative's place, there we spent weeks recovering from our injuries, holy water takes a while to heal from, but Suga had it worse, direct sunlight could have burned him alive if he had stood in the sun any longer than he did, and his recovery was slow and painful. After our time healing, i tried to go back but the whole town was evacuated and quarantined. There were hundreds of hunters surrounding the forests of the town, hunting us, later ending in a slaughter, nearly wiping out vampires from existence " Jin could tell that the more Namjoon spoke, the more pained and sad the blonde felt.

More silence. It was really heavying Jin down as he tried to focus on which questions to ask the other. After a long silent minute, he decided which to ask next. With uncertain eyes, he tried reading Namjoon, but the other seemed to be in thought too so he let his words leave his lips in almost a whisper, but to the vampire's ears it was still audible, Jin had a hunch that he already knew the answer to the question he was asking though.

"Hollands grandpa sounded like a dangerous man, who was he?" Jin was met with more silence at first and at this point it was beginning to feel unbearable if the other didn't start speaking soon.

"He was an army general, he had fought in many wars and was well respected.... What i found out a few years later, was that during his time in war, he had become a famous and very skilled hunter.... He had even taught Hollands father alot about the supernatural and that gave me the understanding as to why he never liked me... He had suspected me to be a vampire all along..." There was distance and small bits of pauses to Namjoon's words as he spoke.

Namjoon could sense Jin's anxiety and nervousness over asking Namjoon these deep and past revealing questions, and even though it did feel weird to finally have someone know his past, it was like a weight was being lifted of his shoulders, he could finally let it go. The two kept sitting in silence in between Jins thinking and questions and Namjoon was beginning to see that Jin felt unsure of how far he could go, so to not let the other have too much anxiety over everything he thought out. He stretched out his hand to let it rest on Jins thigh in a calming gesture. Making the other look him in the eye and Namjoon felt the longer they stared into eachothers eyes, the more in love with the man before him he'd became.

With slow movements he leaned in and kissed Jin gently on the lips. Showing him that everything was still okay. Jin melted into the moment and as Namjoon pulled away, he reached out his hand and let it capture the others cheek, the vampires cold skin felt soft, yet a strange feeling was present with Jin, Namjoon reached his other hand and let it rest over Jins and rubbed his thumb gently on his warm skin as the two kept gazing into eachothers eyes lovingly, knowing no secrets were between them now. Their moment had to come to an end though as a loud creek echoed out and Jin jumped slightly looking frantically around the room. When he heard a low growl he glanced back at Namjoon, who's eyes was shifting from their brown form to their red ones Namjoon had when showing his true form. They soon returned back to normal as Namjoon let out a small scoff and opened his mouth to speak, sounding a bit annoyed.

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