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The room was lightly light up with just a simple crystal-looking roof lamp hanging down from the ceiling, making the room feel bigger than it was. Jin took hasty steps forward, looking at his surroundings while doing so, there were a lot of weird bone looking things, weapons, jars filled with different substances in them as well as what looked to be a very old wooden table, filled with medical equipment and bowls. Jin took a breath before halting his steps and coming face to face with his friend.

Namjoon looked rough, his faced had paled and he almost looked like a corpse, his eyes showed exhaustion yet a strong battle within him as his eyes shifted from the tried brown eyes to a dark red then back, his fangs were showing as he had his mouth slightly agape. He pressed himself against the metal bars and gave Jin a look of pain, yet a glimpse of immense hunger and it clicked to Jin what the reason for Namjoon's 'condition' as Taehyung had phrased it was.

"W-what are you doing here Jin?" Namjoon's voice was tried, filled with pain but also worry.

"Your brown-haired friend dragged be here saying you had a condition and needed help, now can you please tell me what's going on?" Jin asked, worry filled in his voice as well as the annoyance as to why he had not been informed sooner, Namjoon looked like he'd been in here a while.

Jin didn't like being left in the dark when faced with serious situations, it just made him frustrated but, in this situation, he couldn't really blame himself for not knowing things since he knew very little about vampires, despite his research, he just felt frustrated yet worried as his eyes looked upon the exhausted body of Namjoon's.

Namjoon nodded at Jin's words, muttering small curse words at Taehyung for bringing the last person he wanted to see in this state here, especially when he felt so anxious, guilty and disgusted with himself, yet he knew Jin would do nothing but try and understand him and try to help him, it made his heart-beat raise, knowing how Jin cared and that he was always worried about him, it made that spark awoken in Namjoon, that spark that hadn't been awoken for soo long and it made Namjoon scared, Jin was so fragile compared to him, he didn't want to hurt him and that brought the fear that had now led him to this moment.

"Promise me you won't be scared or annoyed?" Namjoon managed to say, his tone sounding a bit stronger now.

"I promise" Jin spoke back in an instant, not even thinking of debating of what was to come.

"I have barely fed in months, my thirst is at its peak, hearing your heartbeat as well as the blood pumping in your veins has me tempted and desperately fighting the beast inside, cause if I don't... I could hurt you or other people, potentially even....kill" Namjoon spoke, now more alert as his eyes flickered between the now almost glowing red coloured eyes and his brown ones, licking his lips hungerly as his eyes scanned over Jin like he was a snack, fangs growing larger if possible.

This had Jin taking a step back from the big metal cage in shock as he saw the red eyes stare at him hungerly. Jin felt insecure and slightly scared at the intimidating eyes, trying desperately to calm down, he took small breaths, seeing Namjoon step away from the bars himself and sitting down on the simple chair placed in the middle of it, still looking paler than possible and eyes flickering like a broken light bolt.

"why h-haven't you f-fed? I-isn't that something you d-do often?" Jin stammered as he felt himself shrink under the unsettling gaze Namjoon was giving him.

"Guilt. We don't need to feed often to feel sustained, that's a good thing about vampires but imagine yourself what the situation feels like when your food source is also a friend, would you still eat a dog if you'd known it for a period of your life and not feel anything of it?" Namjoon said and let his head fall to rest in his hands with a sigh.

Jin nodded slowly, trying to understand but also feeling unsettled as he knew Namjoon wasn't stable enough to control himself and that he probably wasn't helping the situation by being here.

"You refuse to feed just because of me?" Jin mumbled more to himself while in thought, making Namjoon look up at him with an unreadable expression.

"yes" was the simple answer leaving the vampires lips.

Jin looked up, big eyes, knowing he was the cause of this and the immediate guilt threw itself at him, but also slight anger.

"why the fuck would you do that!? You could have talked to me about it! I know I'm new to your world, but I would have understood that you have to feed just like any other being!" Jin half shouted in Namjoon's face.

Namjoon let an eyebrow raise at the reaction. He had expected Jin to be afraid and unsure, not mad. He couldn't lie and say he didn't like that Jin was more excepting that most but that could never cure the guilt and disgusting feeling he had over himself. Namjoon had hated his life since the day he had turned him but learned how to deal with it and knowing he needed blood to survive and not become a rouge with no self-control and own mind, yet the feeling he was developing for this human made him dreed himself again.

"not every one of my kind likes to feed of off humans, sure animal blood can sustain us but unlike humans, vegetarianism and veganism isn't a choice! I feel guilty even more because..." Namjoon lowered his gaze and took a breath, knowing that his next words were going to effect his relationship with Jin even more.

"because-ouch!" Jin jumped, cutting of the sentance he was trying to say.

He had leaned his hip against the old table, resting one hand on the table as he stood there listing to his friend, however, he felt a small pain in his hand and noticed a tiny nail from the table had gotten stuck in his hand. He pulled it out and a small drop of blood ran down his palm but that was the last thing he got to comprehend before a gigantic roar along with breaking of metal.


Hi readers! 😊

First off, i'd like to wish you all a merry christmas! hope you have a great time 🎄

secondly, i have a little question to ask you all.

I'm planing on publishing a new story, its a bts fic yes, but i have two stories in the making, i will publish both at some point but as of now i'd like to ask which you'd like to see first?

The first story is a taekook werewolf au

Second story one is a namgi mafia au

Now without further ramble, i hope you enjoyed this Chapter and i'll see you guys next year 😊

Yours tonight [NamJin]Where stories live. Discover now