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Ello readers 😊

I apologize for the long wait, i've been stuck dealing with the bitch called anxiety and therefor ended up in a writing block, but hopefully i will be able to get back to my schedule of updating weekly next week.

Now, before you go on with this chapter,

would any of you like to be friends on BTS World? if so, leave a comment and i'll drop my code in the comments

now without further ado, hope you enjoy this chapter 💜



"hold on to the sail boys! the storm will take a toll on us tonight!" The captain shouted out whilst  the largest waves were flushing the ship full of water, everyone took a breath and coughed up the water that hit their lungs while they prepared for another one to strike.

Almost 6 months since this expedition to negotiate new supplies between korea and america had set foot and Namjoon was finally on his way home, he was looking forward to tell his parents of his success, but most importantly. He was looking forward to seeing TaeSeob again, he was wondering how his trip to europe had been. They had sent letters every now and then to talk and tell their stories but Namjoon couldn't wait to hold him in his arms again and officalising what they were. He had admitted to himself that it was wrong and dangerous but he was now willing to take that risk for love...that is... if he survived the storm that had settled on the seas tonight.

As it was assumed to be their last week at sea before arriving home, all the men were ecstatic to get back home, drink till they dropped, meet their families etc, as mentioned, so was Namjoon, only, this storm seemed to be the one things stopping that. For over an hour they had sailed across these dangerous waters, rain and large face slapping waves occurring, yet they dreaded the worst when the sky started rumbling, and soon, light flashed in the sky, brightening everything up... quite literally as soon, one of them hit the boat, killing three men instantly and setting the boat on fire. Panic erupted and men started jump overboard, drowning in the large waves, swooping them with the current.

"Joon! help me get the cargo to the lifeboats" shouted Min, and Namjoon immediately   came to assist.

Min was the strongest person Namjoon had seen, he was also pretty scary at times, he fit well as the captain of this crew and Namjoon had grown quite close to the man it seems. He and Min had had plenty of deep conversations over the short time they'd known each other and Namjoon felt really connected to him in a strange way, it wasn't a romantic one but simply a strong bond and a good friendship.

He helped load as much of the cargo as possible onto one of the lifeboats. Others in the crew had started helping but the majority took the other lifeboats and tried their best to stay clear from the strong waves of the sea. Namjoon got into the boat and started losing up the rops while Min got the last load of goods that the lifeboat would be able to carry. As he was about to place it down however, another huge wave swept onto the boat

"Min look out!" Namjoon shouted but was to late as the wave had already taken Min with him into the water.

Namjoon let a few silent curse words leave his mouth as he looked around, trying to find a way to save his friend who was now trying his hardest to stay above the surface. Namjoon saw more lightning strike onto the boat, spreading the fire even faster, screams from other crew members grew louder with the sound of the large waves. The strong wind helped tossing the waves onto the boat, filling the now sinking boat with water and fire. All the commotion and stress made it hard to think but he knew he needed to think fast or his friend would drown. With a defeated sigh, he sank his lifeboat down to the waves and tried to paddle forward to Min, hoping to reach him in time.

Yours tonight [NamJin]Where stories live. Discover now