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Note: I apologise if this chapter makes no sense at all, even I am confused as to what this was supposed to be, I had an  idea but then it went puff and now I have this...whatever it is..

Hope it didn't come out too terrible 😁________________________________________________________________________

A large growl echoed out as Taehyung got flown across the hall with a large wooden door collapsed into his face. There, in the doorway to the now door-less room, stood a raged filled Namjoon. Eyes glowing red and fangs out as well. He spared Jin no glance as he launched forward at Taehyung.  Jin watched in horror as he saw the two vampires fight, it was like watching two bears claw and bite each other, it was brutal, punches were thrown, kicks and different kinds of what Jin might think to be karate skills as he watched them fight. He was petrified. It was all happening so quickly! All he wanted was to check up on Namjoon, not having to witness two animals killing each other!

"ENOUGH!" A loud roar echoed out and the two vampires froze.

In front of them stood the mysterious vampire from earlier and Jin began to feel dizzy, he was terrified and confused, why was everything escalating so quickly? (me questioning what the fluff I'm actually writing 😅)Namjoon and Taehyung let go of each other but continued to stare daggers at one another. Yoongi stepped in-between them. he glared at Tae and spoke in a language that Jin couldn't decipher.

"go hunt, now! and think over your childish behaviour" Yoongi spoke so calmly, but you could still hear a hint of anger and disappointment in it. With a low growl, Taehyung disappeared like wind, at least that's all that Jin noticed. He took a breath a silence was formed, and the two remaining vampires soon turned towards him.

"what happened?" Yoongi spoke, voice stern yet calm as he observed Jin's terrified facial expression as well as his broken wrist.

"I... punched Taehyung..." Was all he could get out, feeling slight shame creep up on him, but as a small snicker left the dark-haired vamps' lips and all eyes turned toward him, Jin felt more confusion come back to him.

"Well, I would say suit yourself then for angering him, he is very emotionally unstable, but I have to give you credit, I was not expecting that from you" Yoongi spoke and for the first time in the few hours Jin had known the dark-haired vampire, he smiled. It didn't last long but it was there.

A silence once again entered the atmosphere and for the first time since the door got blown to shit, Namjoon and Jin locked eyes. they were still red, just like in the cage. But this time, Jin didn't feel scared of looking.  He knew that was something else at play and hopefully, Namjoon would tell him when the time came.

Noticing the glances sent between his friend and the human, Yoongi took a small bow and left like the wind, leaving Namjoon the small message. "talk to him "

Closing his eyes and taking a breath, Namjoon opened his eyes again and the brown colour was back in them, Jin smiled and was about to take a step forward, mostly to give him a hug but was stopped by a hand gesture.

"S-stay there... I don't trust myself right now" Namjoon said, shame and pain clouding his voice as he kept his eye contact with the human.

"Namjoon, I'm okay, I promise" Jin spoke, although still confused and trying to process the events that just happen, he still made sure to sound convincing.

With confusion that despite being close to eaten and killed three times now and even witnessing a fight between two crazy vampires, not to mention being in a mansion surrounded by them. It almost amazed Namjoon that Jin was still here and kept trying to keep the façade up and be brave even though he was clearly not right now. Every human Namjoon had meet before...including him... would have run away and been forever terrified at all the events Jin had been apart of now, but for some reason, he didn't. That made the familiar feeling Namjoon had felt the first time he meet Jin come crawling back at him.

A long silence came back over them.it wasn't an awkward one this time, just a one where they both contemplated events and knew there wasn't much they could say in this moment. Jin was stuck processing everything as well as staying worried that after the recent events, Namjoon would want to disappear from his life and leave him.

Jin wasn't sure why he didn't react to the fact that Namjoon could have killed him whenever he wanted and almost did hours before, but something in Jin told him that Namjoon wasn't in control and that he would never do that. Jin trusted the vampire and without wanting to admit it, was starting to feel something for him.

Meanwhile, Namjoon stood in for a decision that had to be made. It hurt him that he needed to do it but he was to unstable. He cleared his throat and made Jin turn back his attention to him.

"Jin, I need you too leave, and don't contact me for a while" Namjoon finally managed to say it and he could feel his heart screaming for him to take it back

"what?" Jin spoke, shocked and hurt. "why? Namjoon I want to help" he tired to reason back, not wanting things to end between the two.

"Jin please leave, I will come to you when I'm ready to talk, this isn't the end, I just need time, I'm to unstable, I could lose control again, I don't want that, please understand" he begged, Namjoon begged... as a vampire, a being of over human power, it was considered a disagree to beg a human for anything but Namjoon had once himself been human, therefor, not letting supernatural laws and rules affect him as much.

Without letting Jin finish of even talk back, knowing how stubborn he could be, Namjoon used his superspeed to grab his partly broken door and rush into his room, putting the door back as good as possible. Jin barely got a chance to blink before that had happen and he was stood in silence as he watched a broken door, now covering the entrance to Namjoon's room.

"okay then... I'll be waiting... you know where you can find me" Jin whispered more to himself but knew that the vampire would hear him.

With heavy steps, Jin made it back to his guestroom and started thinking of what bloody excuse he should come up with to tell his brothers, which led him to cry himself to sleep, he hadn't let any of the following events that had occurred within the now almost 40 hours he'd been in this mansion prosses for him and it made him a mess.

He just lost Namjoon. He would have to lie and worry his brothers even more and had ended things on a bad foot with Taehyung. Could things get any worse?

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