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"i'm sorry for what happened back there,"  Namjoon said as he heard Jin enter the room, his back facing the window, not fully daring to look at the human.

"That's what confuses me the most about the whole situation, you seem more upset about this than I am or perhaps should be, i guess i'm still too in shock to process everything, but....shouldn't I be the one fearing more for my brother's life?" Jin spoke, raising an eyebrow.

Of course he was scared of the fact that his brother was bonded with an all-powerful-pure blooded-master-vampire. Jin still hadn't learned the full meaning of the bonding thing, but since he knew from experience by now, there was nothing stopping the bond from happening and after his own experience with Namjoon resisting his bond, he knew that it could be lethal  for either side to resist it. He knew that this had to be Jungkook's decision in the end. He just didn't want what happened to him to happen to Jungkook. Even though  he had a feeling Yoongi handled blood well and was very much in control of himself, he still had a hunch that seeing someone like Yoongi lose control, would most likely end worse than the situation with Namjoon.

"Yes, but after seeing how much Jungkook and Jimin means to you, i got worried for Jungkook's safety, Yoongi is far from the safest vampire in existence, and as your mate, i feel a sense of responsibility to take care of you, but  also to make sure your family is out of harm's way of the supernatural world since they are still human, and Jungkook being with Yoongi is the exact opposite!" Namjoon spoke, a serious tone as he finally turned to look the human in the eye, his tone coming off slightly possessive in the process, his worries and anger was letting his beast lose.

"Excuse me? 'Your responsibility to take care of me'?" Jin started, raising an eyebrow, " What do I look like? A damsel in distress?! I know i'm handsome but i sure as hell can kick butt if i want to! And  Jungkook is MY brother, My responsibility, not yours, Don't feel obligated to anything, you make it sound like we're married or something" Jin ranted off shaking his head and feeling slightly grumpy that Namjoon saw him as someone helpless.

Jin's pouty face only made Namjoon snicker at his cuteness. Jin knew Namjoon meant well, but what had happened felt a little out of hand. He knew Namjoon didn't mean to cause anyone harm, he just let worried and slightly possessive nature get the best of him, Jin would never admit it but he did secretly like the little possessive beast inside Joon.

"Jin, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way, I'm just trying to help. Yoongi has a lot of enemies worldwide, if word gets out he has a mate, Jungkook would become a big target for them and if anyone ever were to find out that Jungkook is your brother, that could mean you  or Jimin could become targets too" Namjoon spoke after taking a few breathes, sounding calmer than before.

"I figured as much, the guy is a fucking master pure blood for christs sake! I  get that i could become a target too, but that doesn't give you the reason to stop them from being together. You have enemies too, like the guys who hunted me down and attacked me, but that is the life I signed up for the moment I met you Joon. I'm scared shitless for Jungkook right now, and I most likely will be forever, but i can't do much other than tell him what he'll be signing up for and let him make his own decision." Jin spoke back.

He was fully aware of how serious this whole discovery was and how much danger it put him and Jungkook in, it could potentially even put Jimin in danger too, and Jin knew that eventually they'd have to tell him too, this was too big of a secret to keep  from Jimin now. Silence fell upon the two, Jin  let out a  heavy sigh, letting all the exhaustion and stress he'd  endured since meeting Namjoon in that alley months back out, and with a tired yawn,  he threw himself back first onto Namjoons bed and stared up at the ceiling,  letting his thoughts cloud him a little.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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