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An unnerving feeling spread though Jin's body as he walked through the gates of the enormous mansion. This would make his third visit here yet he was still very much on edge. Would Anyone blame him? His first time here he'd barely seen the place, not to mention he found out about Namjoon being a vampire then, his second time had ended... well we all know how and Jin still felt a small sting of pain in the scar that was now dressing his neck.

"You're back so soon? Yikes, you really got a thing for danger eh?" A way too familiar voice spoke and Jin felt his blood boil as he looked up to face none other than Taehyung.

Taehyung held that smug smirk on his face and Jin wanted nothing more than to punch him again, but he knew not to. He'd learned that Taehyung was a young vampire, he'd only been one for a few decades and hadn't fully learned to control his inner beast, that had been the reason for his last out-lash, yet in Jin's mind, it wasn't an enough of an excuse to attack him.

"Why I'm here is none of your business, now, I'd appreciate if you backed the hell off" Jin spoke back, a stern and annoyed voice clear as he walked up one of the other sets of stairs that seemed to be spread out all over this mansion.

Taehyung simply chuckled and walked away in the other direction,  leaving Jin alone as he ventured through the mansion, looking for Namjoon's room. It didn't take him long to find it as the blonde vampire hadn't bothered to fix his door. It hung party opened due to the handle being broken and a few screws seemed to be missing as well. with hesitant stepps, Jin managed to get into the room, leaving the door almost completely opened in the process since it was barely able to stand by itself.

Like the last time Jin was in here, everything was dark, the window with a sunset now visible in the horizon, gave him some light to  be able to see in the room, but not a whole lot, he could make out the contrast of the bed in the middle of the room, a bench, what he thought to be a bookshelf and a table. as he let his eyes adjust, he could make out that there was something standing on the table. Being the curious manbaby he could be, he walked over to take a look,he could only make out two objects, a vase and a photo frame, the room was still too dark to make out what they looked like.

Jin stood still for a second, wondering if he should take the photo and look at it or not, but after a quick inner debate, he gently lifted the photo and walked over to the window, hoping it would give him some light. As the orange like light brightened up the photo, Jin felt his jaw drop but also let him fill up with tons of more questions.

The Photo looked old, very old, the photo held a brown-blackish-orange color that used to be apart of the photos taken in the late 1800s. In the photo was an old town square, with a few shadows of people in the background, in the middle and center of the photo stood two young men, one Jin could recognise immediately, it was Namjoon, he had black hair and were dressed in a suit, the guy next to him also wore a suit but had one arm bandaged. who was this man?  Jin questioned in his head, the man looked handsome, his hair looked very light in the photo so Jin assumed he must have been a blonde, his face was a little blurred out so Jin couldn't make out his full appearance.

"Jin" Namjoon's voice echoed out in the room and Jin snapped his head up to see Namjoon looking at him from the doorway, his face holding a unreadable expression.

"Joon, i-eh-i didn't mean to-i'll put it back" he stuttered and was about to walk back and put it down when he felt a presence next to him.

Yet again Namjoon had moved at the speed of light and Jin jumped slightly as he just managed to register it. He looked up and they locked eyes. Silence was presence and Jin felt a  heavy lump start to form in his throat as he started growing nervous. Namjoon stretched out his hand and grabbed the photo from Jin's hands. he looked at it for a brief moment and sadness showed in his eyes. With a sigh, he walked over and placed it back on the spot where Jin had grabbed it.

"How about we go somewhere with more light?" Namjoon suggested, knowing that Jin had trouble seeing him in the dark.


Jin's jaw dropped at the huge lounge they walked in to, the room was enormous, a beautiful crystal crown dressed the roof of the room, giving it the light it needed. The walls were covered in an dark, almost black tone, a huge fireplace was placed along one of the walls, a enormous long U formed couch took up most of the room, there was a long staircase leading up to the upper floor but most of the upper floor was dark and Jin couldn't see much from what was up there other than more doors that probably lead to more rooms. He and Namjoon took a seat on the long U formed couch. They turned to face each other on the couch and Jin could see that Namjoon was thinking through how and what to say to him.

"His name was Go Taeseob, but he was mostly known as Holland-" Namjoon spoke, his voice felt distant but a small smile still dressed his face as he started talking. "He was a singer and actor, he performed in many plays and was very liked by the town we both lived in." Namjoon took another pause, hesitant and a bit scared to reveal his past to someone but once he saw Jin's reassuring smile, he continued.

"I was studying  an extra course in english when i met him. I was training to become a businessman, dealing goods with America, but to be able to communicate with most of them, i needed to speak english. Taeseob was going to travel to europe for a new play and like me, needed to learn english in order for permission to go. We connected easily through passion for music and became very good friends." Namjoon spoke with a soft tone as he let his memories resurface.

"Was he... a past lover?" Jin asked cautiously, not sure if he was asking questions to early.

"Yes, after having studied together for over 2 years, we both started to feel like our friendship was something more but we decided to wait and see what our relationship would be once our travels to the outside world was done. We both hoped that it was just imagination, even though we both knew  that it wasn't. We made that deal because we were afraid of what could happen to us, same sex relationships could come out as death sentences at that time." Namjoon fell silent yet again, a sigh leaving his lips.

Jin didn't say anything, he just sat there and let namjoon's story process, yes, he knew there were more and he hoped that he and Holland had made the decision to stay together. he didn't understand why he hoped for that, especially since he was together with Namjoon now but something about Namjoon's story told him that something bad was about to happen. Then a thought hit him, and he was afraid it was going to become the more painful part of the story.

"How did you become a vampire?" Jin asked and locked eyes with the blonde in front of him.

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