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"Jin?" Rowoon's voice called out, taking Jin out of his current cloud of thoughts.

Jin snapped his head to look at his friend and coworker, who was looking at him with a worried expression. He gave out a small 'hmm' sound as he looked confused back at his worried friend.

Without a word spoken, Rowoon placed a hand on Jin's forehead to test if he had a fever, the two had worked together for a long time and wasn't afraid of skin ship, that was very normal in this line of work, especially since there were so many people in one place. As Rowoon placed his hand on Jin's forehead, he was expecting it to be cold, maybe then he could use that as a sign for a fever and find an excuse to go home but to Jin's surprise, his friend was very warm. Warmer than normal.

"You look paler than normal, you don't have a fever, which is good, but you seem to space out a lot lately. Are you sure you're feeling well?" Rowoon asked once he'd removed his hand.

"I'm just sad, my younger brother is currently on a trip to Japan and left with such short notice, I just miss him a lot" Jin spoke, using Jimin as his excuse for the third time this week, even though that was indeed a part of why he felt so sad

He had felt very hurt when Hoseok announced that Jimin was going with him on his business trip, especially within such short notice. He still hurt from it, then he'd notice that his youngest brother Jungkook had be acting off as well. A couple of nights ago, When Jin came home from his shift, he'd found Jungkook asleep on the coach, his laptop open. At first Jin thought it was homework, but as he looked at it, mostly to place it away so that he could carry his brother to his room, he'd seen pages of information for Min-Industries. Jin was suspicious as to why his bother would do research about that company, it wasn't until he saw a chat bubble with a very familiar name on it, that he'd started to freak.

The chat bubble read as simple as Joon, but Jin immediately knew it was him. For some reason Jungkook was talking to Namjoon which made Jin both confused and hurt and a lot of questions had awoken from that. When Jin was about to open the chat, Jungkook had stirred awake and freaked out, then he'd grabbed his things and ran off to his room.

Then lastly, the biggest thief to his sadness was the blonde handsome vampire himself. Jin hadn't heard a single word from him in soon a month. It hurt Jin to know that he was talking to his brother but not him. Jin was filled with worry. He knew that Namjoon would come to him when he felt in control again but the wait was too much of a pain to Jin.

The only good thing that he could think of was that with the help of the mysterious doctor vampire he'd gotten to know as Suga, the bite mark on his neck had now fully healed into a scar, he knew he would probably always have it but was glad to know that he didn't have to wear a bandage anymore. Suga really was helpful and he'd been the only one Jin could seem to get in contact with.

He knew Suga wasn't his real name, the name itself seemed more like a stage name for an artist than a private person's name, but with such a mysterious aura, it became even more clear that Suga's true identity would remain hidden from him. That alone gave him the decision to not to mess with the vampire, Suga seemed much more powerful than Taehyung, so Jin had already decided that messing with him was off the table should a fight occur again.

With a small smile Jin walked past a still very worried Rowoon and was about to walk back out to the bar to serve drinks when he heard a low growl like sound. He turned with a raised eyebrow to his friend.

"Did you hear something?" He asked but Rowoon just gave him a blank stare.

" I think your friend is here" Was all he said and hurried past Jin through the doors.

With now strong confusion Jin walked out to the bar. He saw Rowoon disappear into one of the guest rooms, probably to hand out drinks to the gamblers. He looked around the place, confused as to what Rowoon just meant but let it go. He couldn't let his thoughts wander any longer, if he did, he wouldn't get any work done tonight and he didn't want to upset any drunk people by being to slow to mix their drinks.

As he stood mixing another order, one of the new waitresses came walking up to him, her name tag read Yuna, she smiled shyly at Jin once he looked up to see her standing there by the bar, she stood with one hand playing with her newly colored red hair, while carrying her tray in her other, her cheeks slightly pink.

"There aren't any other orders for the rooms to take yet, I'm just mixing a drink for other costumers here" Jin spoke with a polite smile as he continued mixing.

"Oh, actually, I was asked to tell you to go out on the dancefloor, there is a blonde handsome man waiting for you there" she said, her voice gentle as she pointed out on the dancefloor.

Jin followed with his eyes to where she was pointing and felt his heart beat faster at both her words and the person, he finally made eye contact with. A wide smile was spread on his lips and Jin could see his dimples forming which only made Jin smile back just as widely. He finished up the drink and handed it to the costumer, then walked around the bar and out to the dancefloor, not letting his gaze leave the blonde for a single second, he bumped into a few bodies on the way but only mumbled a few quick apologies as he continued walking, he was to afraid that he was seeing illusions.

"Annyeong (Hi)" he spoke, a gentle tone, his smile still wide and bright as Jin finally reached him.

"Annyeong" Jin spoke just as gentle as they now stood a few feet apart from each other.

Silence passed over the two, the only noise was the laud music from the speakers and the load talking from the people around them dancing. Suddenly Jin felt cautious, should he approach any further? More questions started surfacing, but he snapped them away as he felt a body very close to him, he looked up to lock eyes with those eyes that he had missed so much.

"It's okay Jin, I'm better, Suga's helped me" He spoke in the same gentle tone, which helped assure Jin that what he was saying was true.

"Do you feel okay enough to tell me the whole story? The full truth?" Jin asked cautiously, as he was still scared Namjoon would leave.

With a small sigh Namjoon took another step forward, resting one of his cold hands on Jin's shoulder. Jin felt a small shudder at the cold touch but remained calm, he trusted the other and knew that he wouldn't do anything, what happened wasn't Namjoon, it was something else and Jin knew there was more to this than he'd been given answers to.

"When you feel ready to hear it, I'll tell it" he spoke, his voice quieter but still hearable in the laud crowd.

Jin let a small 'hmm' sound escape his mouth, he felt his heart beat very fast and feeling Namjoon's touch after a very painful period away, with much confusion tumbled on top of it, it was as if lightning bolts were firing though him. He placed a hand on Namjoon's cold chest, as he did, he could feel the vampires beating heart, it was beating just as fast as his own and in that moment, Jin let all the fears and worries flush away. As the deep stare into each other's eyes continued, Jin felt Namjoon's cold hand travel along his shoulder and up along his neck, stopping to cup his cheek and Jin felt a small blush surface on them.

"Can I kiss you?" Namjoon asked his voice still low but audible enough for Jin to hear.

"yes" Jin's voice was barely a whisper but it was enough for Namjoon to hear and without hesitation, closed the cap between them, letting their lips finally touch.

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