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With a low groan, Jin opened his eyes, his vison was slightly blurry and his head pounding, he sat up slowly and let his eyes adjust to the darkness of the room, once his vision was good enough to scan around, he was to be hit with the realisation that he wasn't in his room. His head still pounded but panic was starting to take its tool on him as various scenarios played out in his head, making the headache worse as he also tried to remember how he's gotten here. The last thing he remember though was Namjoon fighting some weird freak with gigantic teeth and- wait! Teeth?! The image of those red eyes from his nightmare, combined with the with teeth of his attacker soon formed the image he'd seen representative in Namjoon... but that couldn't be possible? Could it? he didn't get the time to think however as he felt a presence enter the room, along with the sound of a creaking door, indicating that someone had entered the dark room.

He froze, terrified as his heart started beating at harmonizing rhythm with his headache, making the pain in his head worse by the second. He heard footsteps and soon saw the outline of his friend who put down a tray with a few painkillers and a glass of water. Without even sparing a glance at the tall blonde, Jin took the pills, inspected them quickly to make sure they weren't any drugs before grabbing the water from the nightstand to help swallow the pills, all while he felt the gaze of his friend in the dark.

"Jin?" Namjoon spoke, his voice was low and a bit on edge as he felt the fear radiating of his friend.

Jin looked up hesitantly but dared not lock eyes as the events from earlier was still haunting him, making him unable to respond. He heard Namjoon sigh before standing up and walking away from the bed, he knew he didn't leave as he still felt his gaze on him in the dark room which slightly scared him. Jin removed the blanked and stood up on slightly shaky legs.

He took a breath before taking a step forward, he stopped when he reached the only window in the room, the outside only held a strong view of the dark forests of Seoul and the blazing light that the moon gave, the only light that also seemed to light up the room. The city was nowhere in sight, this started to get Jin on edge, how far away was he? How long had he been gone? He broke away form his thoughts when he felt a presence behind him.

Their eyes met, and the air suddenly felt heavy, the images of those sharp teethes, blood red eyes and growling repeated in his head and he knew that the man in front of him was not human. As the silence dragged on, Namjoon took a step forward, until he was only a few inches away for Jin who only stood there, frozen in fear. Could it really be? Was all he could think of as the possibility kept corrupting his mind.

"tell me what's bothering you Jin, tell me what's scaring you?" Namjoons voice was much darker and it almost sounded demanding.

"What are you Namjoon?" Jin asked in a shaky voice while remaining eye contact with his friend.

"Why do you ask a question you already know the answer to?" He smirked before pushing Jin against the wall with force, giving him no time to react to the impact that hit him as he stared with horrid eyes at his friend.


Ello readers

I'm back! (Sorry for the long wait 😬)

I hope your all enjoying your summer! ☀️

As usual, if you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to let me know and i'll see what i can do, but for now,

Hoped you all enjoyed and i'll see you guys soon 💜

Yours tonight [NamJin]Where stories live. Discover now