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Yoongi stood awestruck as the small boy gave him a bunny like smile, handing him his coffee. The busy vamp had stopped buy to get a coffee, that seemed to be the only human drink that worked on busy days, it helped him calm his nerves, owning a company was stressful, he had founded Min industries over a hundred years ago in order to keep up the revelations and war going on in the human world.

He of course faked names every 30th to 40th year in order to make it seem like a new owner but since no humans rarely ever saw him, the name changing worked. Mostly it was only the vampires working for him that saw him, so it kept his identity hidden from the humans.

But being cooped up in the mansion or in an office all day was not ideal for anyone even if the less interaction with the world the better, Yoongi still got out the door to se how the world was changing, even if most of the time it was for the worse in his mind. He went out to restaurants and cafes a lot, yes, he liked human food, sure, it cant sustain a vampire but they could still eat human food, it was like candy for them, right now he'd entered a newly opened coffee shop and ordered a simple plain coffee, but he'd not expected to be met with such adorable little boy.

"That'll be 1879 won ($1.68) (£1.32) (15 SEK) please" the boy spoke in a shy voice as he kept the bunny smile plastered on his face.

Yoongi handed the boy the money and took his coffee, he left quickly, a bit taken back by how cute the young boy was but he seemed too young, he couldn't be any older than 15 and the fact that the adorable beauty made Yoongi's heart beat only scared him. He was not a paedophile, the human was way too young for him but to say that his cuteness wasn't capturing, he would be lying if he said no but he also knew his limits. Before he got a chance to get into his car, he could hear the young boy breathing heavily as he heard him running across the street.

"You forgot your change" the boy said as Yoongi turned around to face him.

"you can keep it" he said, hoping the boy would leave.

The longer Yoongi looked at him, the more entranced he felt, he knew nothing of this boy yet felt a pull to him, as if there was a bond screaming out to him, he knew he was delusional, he'd walked the earth for centuries! Why would fate suddenly decide to give him his mate now? he shook that thought out of his head right away as he knew it wasn't possible, they boy was too young, and he was human, he was simply entranced by the boy's beauty and cuteness, nothing else.

The boy looked shocked at Yoongis words, he looked down in his hand at the large stash of won and back to the pokerfaced vamp. The amount of money he'd been given was around 9500 won ($8.50) (£6.67)(76 SEK) that was three times the amount of what his small simple coffee had costed and the boy was stunned that he just gave away the money like that.

"b-but it's soo much?! I can't take all this" the boy exclaimed, still shocked that the vamp didn't seem to care over how much money he was giving away, with this amount, he could easily get a luxurious coffee of any sort at any fancy shop so why come to this simple one?

Yoongi let a small smile escape past his lips as he saw the confliction in the boys eyes, and walked closer, probably a mistake on his end as he felt hi heart beat faster as the young boys sent clouded his senses. He smelled of vanilla and apples, a very sweet sent, a bit too sweet for a vampire's taste but it didn't matter as it intoxicated Yoongi to the fullest. he reached his hand out and touched the young boy, closing his hand with the money and made the gesture for the boy to keep it.

"this small place is nice and could use the tip, you probably have collage to save money for, so keep it" he said and was about to turn and walk away when the young boys eyes glistered up with happiness.

"really? Thank you soo much sir!" the boy exclaimed in happiness and hugged Yoongi.

Yoongi was taken back by the action and felt a bit dizzy at the over intoxication of the boys sent but still hugged the young boy back before saying a quick goodbye and got into his car. Yoongi let out a deep breath to calm down as he watched the small boy run happily into the shop.

>>end of flashback<<

Yoongi let a smile spread across his face at the memory, he'd visited the same coffee shop once every week to buy a small coffee and hoping to see the young boy, hoping to talk to him. He did get to have small here and there but one day, he'd visited the coffee shop and gotten the information that the boy had quit. It made him sad, but he let it be, he was not one to track people down unless he had business with them and since fate took him away from the small boy, it meant that he neither was meant to me a mate.

Yoongi gulped down the last of his blood-mixed wine and placed it on the small table in front of him. He looked out the big window in the room and admired the moon, glistering brightly out in the night. He did feel a small hint of pain in his chest whenever he thought of the boy and since years had passed, the boy would probably be in his early 20s now, maybe finishing collage or starting his path into the working industries, filled with carries chooses. He must have grown, hopefully still as kind and caring as then, Yoongi hoped as he stared into the night.

"I wish to see you one day again Jungkook" Yoongi whispered to himself as he kept staring out into the dark forest, dwelling in his own secret desires and regrets as he thought of something he could not have.

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