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"How huge is this place?" Jin mumbled quietly to himself as he kept walking through the mansion.

After having followed the vampire's long description, Jin had made it too the guest room, once he'd entered, he'd been stunned to see a large buffet with various foods awaiting him. Being the foodie, he was, he spent not time devouring most of the food, not having eaten in a long time. Then he'd taken a refreshing shower and then collapsed in the very fluffy and comfortable bed, taking a small nap.

Once he'd awaken again, thoughts of the previous events played in his head. With too much curiosity, he'd entered the bathroom to take a good look at his so-called wound. He'd expected two small dots with swollen red around it but there was a full on bitemark dressing his neck, making it look like he just escaped a cannibal...well... Jin had shaken the thought away and remembered that the last he'd seen of his friend was those red eyes as they had attacked him.

"Not every one of my kind likes to feed of humans, sure animal blood can sustain us but unlike humans, vegetarianism and veganism isn't a choice for us. I feel guilty" The words still repeated themselves in the humans mind and it had made Jin wonder how Namjoon was doing. In worry, Jin had wandered out of his guestroom and was now wandering aimlessly around the huge hallways of the mansion. 

After a solid 30 minutes, he'd  started to recognise himself from when Namjoon had brought him there after the attack. In hopes that it was the right room he'd found, he took a breath and nocked gently on the large dark wooden door.

"Namjoon, it's me..." Jin mentally wanted to facepalm at himself.

Of course, Namjoon would already know it was him, he probably heard him stumble his way over in this gigantic mansion too. Sometime Jin wondered if he had a brain or if he was just an empty shell walking around. He sighed and focused his gaze at the wooden door in front of him, the one leading into the vampire's room. why did he have a room? was a sudden thought that surfaced with Jin, but he quickly shook the question off as he was for serious matters.

"I came to see how you were doing, I'm worried" The human spoke softly, unconsciously leaning in to try and listen through the door, to find out if his friend was really in there.

On the other side of the door, was a very broken Namjoon. He sat in the darkness, quietly crying as he listened to the gentle heartbeat of the human outside his room. Even though Jin was only trying to help, his presence only made it worse. Every breath Jin took felt almost intoxicating, he could hear every vain in the human's body pumping around blood, every single breath, it was as if Jin was standing inches away from him although he wasn't.

"Human! What are you doing here?" A familiar voice spoke and Jin abruptly turned his head out through the hallway to see Taehyung come walking up to him.

Jin turned to him and was about to open his mouth to explain himself but cut himself of from trying to explain things as he remembered that the reason he was in this mess now was because of the guy in front of him and without thinking, Jin punched the young vampire in the face. Immediately regretting it as his knuckles broke. The impact of the punch had made Tae take a step back however, mostly out of chock than pain, he didn't feel the pain as well as a human might have, therefore leaving him mostly unbothered by it.

"Fucking bastard!" Jin shouted in anger and pain, supporting his know broken knuckles.

"why try to punch someone with super strength? I get that you need get your anger out but now you have another wound to care for" Tae spoke unbothered but seemed to tense a bit as he heard a silent commotion from the other side of the wall.

"If you hadn't brought me here, none of the events from the latest 34 hours would have happen!" Jin shouted. Still a bit of anger within him as he glared dagger as the young vampire. Taehyung looked shocked back at the human but then a face of anger appeared. 

"If Namjoon hadn't meet you he wouldn't be like this now! I simply helped! He would have marked you sooner or later anyway!" Tae shouted, eyes glowing a light shade of red, making Jin stumble back a little in slight shock and fear.

"M-marked me?" Jin questioned in a confused voice as he felt more and more intimidated by the red eyes glaring at him and as those innocent and scared eyes continued to stare back at Tae, he felt his fangs grow in thirst.

Being a much younger vampire than his friend and leader, Taehyung had it much easier to lose control, especially when he was angered. The inner senses were enjoying watching the new expression on the human's face and Tae took fast steps towards the human, to fast for Jin to register as he now found himself pinned against a wall as Taehyung raised his hand to rest it under Jin's chin.

"Yes, he would have marked you, but seeing as he's too much of a chicken, maybe you're not the one, what a shame, I liked you" Taehyung spoke, voice a lot deeper and fangs showing on full display for Jin to see, letting him know what was about to happen.

Only...it didn't...

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