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Ello readers 😊

Yes i know, i'm late, and to start this ranty note of the chapter, and to give the shortest version of whats going on, i've basically had to take a break away from writing and my life in general for a while.

My year started off shit when my grandma got diagnosed with cancer, after that, family drama rose up  again and i basically hit the wall with how unstable my emotional and mental state became. I have slowly tried piecing my life back together and i'm starting to go on the better path now.

One thing that have given me inspiration and motivation to go on through this though time, have been you guys 💜

Everytime i read your sweet and kind messages, a smile stays on my lips for the rest of the day. And seeing all the positive feedback and engagement  i get from every chapter, really motivates me to go on. You guys really have become a huge part of my life without knowing it, cause one simple comment, is enough for me to go on, and therefore i want to thank you guys for supporting me.

Your have become my stars (Special people That Always Radiant Supportive energy), and i will always be thankful for you 💜

Now, with no more rants from your emotional author-nim😅

I hope you enjoy the new chapter. And don't forget to stream the boy's new album, and let me know, which is your favorite song of the album? 


An awkward silence was present in the room. Jungkook wanted to melt into a puddle and disappear, but at the same time he was confused to see his brother and his boyfriend in Yoongi's home, making him wonder why Jin and Namjoon were here. Jin on the other hand had a thousand of questions over why his younger brother was in the mansion! And he prayed that he hadn't just seen his youngest brother hold hands with a vampire! Sure.... Jin was with one too so he couldn't really argue about it, but from all the new information given though Namjoon's story. His conclusion gave out that Suga was far older than Namjoon, not to mention, a leader over an entire clan of vampires! AND He was a pureblood! Jin was scared to shit for his brother.

"Yoongi, let's have a word in the other room" Namjoon's spoke in a stern voice, speaking in the ancient language, not letting the humans know what he said, which made Jin a bit on edge as he was still not comfortable hearing the vampires speak the language.

As he spoke, both Jin and Jungkook could tell something was off, but Yoongi simply nodded, an unreadable expression resting on his face, the two vamps walked out of the room, leaving the two brothers to an even more awkward silence. Neither of them knew what to say, Jungkook was stuck in a carousel of questions whilst Jin was still processing all the new information he'd gotten minutes earlier, as well as trying to calm down from the panic of finding his brother in the mansion. Neither of the two dared speak as the tension grew and the questions rose.

Namjoon felt the tension grow between the two brothers but decided to let them be, they were siblings, they'd figure out how to solve the situation. He on the other hand needed to get some answers out of Yoongi. He had a strong feeling he knew already but hoped desperately he was wrong, because if he was right, it'd cause a lot of shit  and problems for everyone. Namjoon shut the door to the living room, leaving the brothers in there to talk as he and Yoongi were now standing in one of the many hallways of the mansion.

"I'm sorry, i didn't know Jin was here" Yoongi spoke, he sounded...ashamed? Namjoon lifted an eyebrow in confusion.

"Why is Jungkook here?" Namjoon questioned, ignoring Yoongi's statement.

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