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Yoongi raised an eyebrow in shock at the dark aura clouding Jin for a second and he knew the human meant the words he spoke. He nodded and walked over to sit on the large U shaped sofa in the other room. Watching as the other human disappeared up the stairs into another hallway. Leaving him alone with a very uneasy Jungkook.

Yoongi looked over at the human and noticed the uneasy and questioning aura around him, it dragged in an awkward silence that Yoongi soon broke as he let out a heavy sigh, covering his face in his hands. He wasn't sure where to begin, he knew this day would come, but he hoped it wasn't so soon. With little to no expectation on how this was going to go, he lifted his head and locked eyes with Jungkook, who was still standing in the middle of the room, looking very conflicted. The human quickly diverted the eye contact and Yoongi felt a small sting at action, but knew he shouldn't be expecting anything else right now, the human was too shaken up.

"Jungkook" He started, and saw Jungkook lift his gaze back at him slowly, stiffening a bit, still not quietly meeting his eyes, "I know this must be a lot for you, and i don't blame you if you want to leave as fast as Jin gets back, and never want to see me again, but know that i'd never hurt you. I have walked hundreds of years on this planet,  waiting for you, if i ever were to hurt you, i'd want to kill myself for it."

Jungkook finally looked up at Yoongi, not meeting his eyes fully, but still feeling his sincerity and truthful words. They held a lot of pain. Pain Jungkook wasn't sure how to handle, he wasn't sure how he was going to take all that had taken place tonight. Finding out that Vampires existed, that his brother was together with one and that the man he liked was one too? And that he presumably  was an all powerful one? Not to mention that he was 'mated' to him, what that now meant, really was a lot for Jungkook. Yet something in Jungkook kept him from completely bursting as he stood there, letting the events of the past 15 minutes unfold in his brain.

He could still very clearly see those black demonic looking eyes with those strong red glowing orbs staring at him. The image was digging into his brain and it made it so difficult to look up at Yoongi without fearing he'd see them again. He was scared, but he couldn't leave. Part of him hoped it was just  a bad nightmare, but he knew that wasn't the case. What was he to do? There were so many questions and so much threads to connect, that the more Jungkook let his thoughts wander, the more he came to realize the signs had been there all along.

His strongest memory was the time Namjoon had saved him from the car crash, he hadn't questioned how illogical the whole scene was until months later, and even then, he  had decided to drop it due to how bizzare it was, then there was the fact that Yoongi still looked the same, even though it's been years since he'd last seen him, the mark on Jins neck was clearly a bite mark from a vampire... why hadn't he put two and two together until now?

With so much confusion and thoughts floating around in his head, he hadn't noticed that Yoongi had gotten up from the couch and was now standing merely feet apart from him, it wasn't til he felt his  Yoongis cold hand touched his, that Jungkook got shaken out of his daze and jumped a little at the cold touch, as well as at  how close Yoongi was now standing.

He once more, avoided eye contact with Yoongi and tired pushing his hand away but at that Yoongi only tightened his hold and pulled him closer. Placing his free hand on Jungkook's back, holding him trapped in his arms. Yoongi could hear Jungkook's heart beat like a mini drum in his chest, he couldn't distinguish if it was fear or nervousness or both. He decided to not focus on it as his heart was also beating rapidly fast at how close the human was.

"Jungkook, look at me" Yoongi spoke calmly, releasing Jungkook's hand and placing two fingers under his chin, lifting Jungkook's head up so he'd be at eye level with him (yes Yoongi is a tall boi in this fic so shhhhh).

With a gulp, Jungkook finally let his eyes meet the others, seeing only those brown orbs he had grown so fond of.  Staring into those familiar orbs made him feel calmer and for a moment he forgot that the man holding him secure in his arms was a deadly being. once it past though, Jungkook tried averting his eyes again, But this time Yoongi wouldn't let him.

"Jungkook, i know you're afraid, but please believe me, i'm not going to hurt you" Yoongi spoke once more, trying his damn hardest to reassure the human of his words, while holding back the pain that was tucked back in his throat.

"I know" Jungkook finally spoke. it was like a small euphoria to finally hear the humans voice after so long in silence.

His voice was small, and his eyes were watery, like he was about to cry. Yoongi placed his free hand on Jungkook's cheek, drying of the small tear that soon  fell with his thumb. He could see all the different types of emotions going through Jungkook and it pained him that he was the one causing this. He knew the human was going through a lot in his head right now, and there was nothing but wait that Yoongi could really do.

"I know," Jungkook spoke again, "I know....i just don't know how to  deal with it all--- i-i-i'm scared" He finally stuttered out, again trying to divert his eye contact but Yoongi held his gaze stuck.

"I understand that, and it's okay." Yoongi started calmly, drying away some more tears from Jungkooks face as he looked at those watery hazel eyes, feeling the guilt and pain in his chest "I don't want you to feel forced to accept me Jungkook, you have all the right to walk away, to say no, and to push me out of your life."

Again, the silence hit them. This time they were just silently staring into each others eyes as thoughts swirled around in their heads. Yoongi was still holding the human close, one arm secured around his waist, holding him close while the other rested on his face. After a minute or so, Jungkook lifted his head away and rested it on Yoongi's chest while stretching his arms out to hug the other, surprising Yoongi.

"I don't want to push you out of my life, and i don't want to walk away" Jungkook started, letting out a small breath " i'm just scared, scared of what's going to happen, and what this all means"

"It means you're my mate Jungkook, soulmate-the one-destined or however else you call it in human terms."

"L-L-Like a boyfriend?" Jungkook asked, a blush covering his face at words. which only made Yoongi chuckle as he heard the human's heart beat faster and his body heat getting warmer, indicating he was flustered. It made him relieved at the same time that it had now replaced the tense feeling the human had been carrying.

"If you want us to be, then yes" Yoongi answered, calmly "But don't feel forced to, if you need to take time to think, do so, let's not rush"

"i agree" Jungkook said and one more let his thoughts wander, being in Yoongi's arms was calming, even though he still felt a little scared, something in him told him it was going to be okay.The thought that the man hugging him was a bloodsucking monster wasn't as scary in this moment as before, Jungkook had to take time to think, he knew that and he would, he also had questions he had to ask Jin later, but for now he just wanted to stay in silence, feeling secured in the older's arms.

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