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Ello readers, Happy new year's! 🎉

Hope you've had a good start of the new year and that your year goes well forward. It is going to be a busy year for me as I'm graduating this year so if there is a lack of posts, you'll know why.

I've had some ups and downs with this story but I'm not giving up on it, your funny and cute comments have really helped me to be more motivated, so thank you

Now enough of my rambling, enjoy the chapter and I'll see you guys soon 😊


"AAAHHHH!!!!" Jin screamed as an indescribable pain hit his neck like truck as well as the impact of his back hitting the floor as Namjoon was hovering above him, teeth sunken into his flesh, growling lowly.

It happened so fast that he'd barely been given a chance to process that he'd just cut his hand on a tiny nail stuck in the wooden table or the fact that he had a vampire sucking every drop of blood from him like he was a fresh soda.

The pain made his body nearly numb, his vision blurred, breath becoming shallow, it felt as if his life was being drained, one drop at the time, every millisecond felt slower than ever, Jin tried to move and squirm free but only let a whimper of pain escape past his lips as the daggerlike teeth's only sunk deeper into his neck.

His hearing became foggy, his vision became foggier and his senses was starting to fail him to, he felt like he was passing out or slowly letting death consume him. To think became harder yet the thoughts of last words he'd never get to tell his brothers began to surface as he had a feeling, he might not see them again.

Jin felt small tears form in his foggy vison, he tried to squirm free, but he only felt the fangs dig deeper as another low growl leave the vampires lips. His body was growing weaker and weaker, his breathing was starting to become shallower and he found it almost impossible to form any type of words, but Jin knew he couldn't just accept that this would be his fate.

"N-na-m..j-joo...n" he managed to let the whispers of words leave his mouth, uncertain if they even sounded like anything.

Suddenly, Jin felt the heavy body get away from him and in the corner of his foggy vison, he could see red eyes glaring at him with fear then all that echoed out in the room was a load roar, he tried to focus his vison and understand what was happening but now he saw double, he could only see shadowy figures and his head was pounding with pain, it made it impossible for Jin to even register what was around him.

Jin felt so paralyzed and in pain and his entire body just kept telling him to close his eyes, all he wanted was to give in to his body's wish and just except what he assumed to be the endless sleep of death, but before he did he saw the shadowy figures battling each other like the plague, then a unknown voice trying to speak to him...

After that there was just darkness.

Yours tonight [NamJin]Where stories live. Discover now